Territorial Sand Baths

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Sep 17, 2014
I'm introducing two male chins. On the whole it went ok, but one chin did not like the other using the sand bath. I had two out at the time so they didn't have to share but that didn't seem to matter! He's normally the shy nervous one as well! Anyone else had this problem or what they did about it?
my chins often try to use the same dust bath. My one cage has 3 girls. I let two take a bath at one time since i have two dust bath houses. Even tho i put out both houses they often try to hop into the same one. I have heard stories about chins getting stuck or hurt doing that tho, so i dont let them.

They are very anxious to get there sand bath so by the time i put one in, they are both trying to get in. After the first one gets in i cover the opening with my hand while i reach for the second house. Then guide the second chin into that house; making sure they are both in a separate house. Usually after that they are good.

Some times mine are so anxious to get in that one will hop into the sand bath house before i have fully laid it down. And that adds some weight to it, so the house hits the ground a good bit harder (or louder as the case might be) and then that sound will scare the heck outa them and send them into a panic lol.