Tenative SEC/ MCBA Nov 2012 show posting

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Richmond Virginia
Greetings to all.

My chapter is going to have its last meeting 8-11-2012 to hammer out the last minute details of the upcoming November 10th show. When I have been given answers to my entire questionaire list, I will make a new thread will complete details.

Here is what I can post at the current time so you all can make note to prepare in advance.

Show date: November 10, 2012
Place: Ramada Inn. 2640 Cherry Road. Rock Hill, South Carolina
This Ramada Inn is pet friendly and will be offering a discount for booking there. Just don't know discount details at the present time.
There are other hotels in the area.
NO animals can be held in the show hall the evening prior to showing.
Jim Ritterspach will be our judge.
Optional claim show.
Baby derby
Items will be raffled and donations appreciated.
Pending animal sale table with a percentage of the sale(s) going to the chapter.

I wanted to get this much information posted now so you can make plans.
I informed the president that show people/pet people/ and those wanting to attend without showing need as much time to plan as possible.
Should you have any further questions until my show post please contact Lyn on her web site.


Thank for looking,
Excited for this event. I'm planning on making this my first Chinnie Show! Probably will not bring my boys as this will be my first. Not to mention 2 of the four are rescues, and while my two beige boys are beautiful, they are not pedigreed, so I don't know if they're even eligible to show lol.
Excited for this event. I'm planning on making this my first Chinnie Show! Probably will not bring my boys as this will be my first. Not to mention 2 of the four are rescues, and while my two beige boys are beautiful, they are not pedigreed, so I don't know if they're even eligible to show lol.


All animals can be entered in the show. Pet's and those with a pedigree. If you know your pets birthdate and color that would be good to have. If you do NOT know the birthdate or color of your animal, we will help you at the registration table. The judge makes the determination of color to those animals in question during classification. That happens before the show begins.

There will be people at the show registration table helping new people fill out paperwork. And I will make a note to wear a name tag with my forum name on it. The chapter wants your first show to be enjoyable and stress free.

A reminder to those who have shown before. Please see link below to the MCBA web page if you wish to fill out paperwork prior to the show.


Step 1. See top right hand side of tool bar and click "CHINCHILLA SHOWS"
Step 2. Click on drop down box that states "SHOW INFORMATION"
Step 3. Follow directions and print. Fill out at home or prior to show.

Thanks, Alex