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What did yalls temperature top in the last few days? We hit 104 degrees today here in Austin Texas!!!
It was cool here today in PA.....72 daytime and 59 now...a little chilly for July!
Occasionally while watching the weather channel I see the temp over in your area of the country, and I can't believe how hot it is- there is no way I could stand it. Way, way, way too warm for me!

Just the other day it got to 95 degrees here. We are suppose to get some possible rain so it's going to cool off (mid 80's) over the next few days. Nice for July.. But I wish we had that PA weather. We were up there this past weekend and we missed some mid-90's for low 80's up there, so I was happy. lol
106* so far here in Phoenix. Weather people are saying it's gunna hit 110* on Monday. Thank God for AC! The heat is attracting rattlesnakes though. Had to have a group of 4 babies wrangled up yesterday. They decided they were going to sun themselves right next to my front door! Cost me $289.99 per snake. Uhg.
It was scorching last week, but the temps dropped this week. We have been in the 70's which has been wonderful. It was almost unbearable outside last week.
I'm not sure about the exact temp, but now it wasn't that high, but we do have high humidity, so even if the temps are high, it's still too hot for me. I've always hated humidity.

It's been over 100 for several weeks now, been breaking records left and right. Today is supposed to top 102, with a heat index ~115.

Sweaty hot, so hot nobody's a/c can keep up! We're still going to go see David Cook tomorrow, though the poor guy may sweat to death as it's an open concert. I'm sure he'll rethink doing a summer tour in the south. :p
How do you guys live in that heat!!! Your a/c bills must be astronomical! I live in the temperate NW and it will reach the lower 80's today. We have had what we call very warm weather for the last few weeks, which is uncommon for us. Usually our hottest weather hits us in August. Summer is either early here, and could end early for us, or we are in for a long hot summers. I think the last two or three summers we had were cool and rainy. This year we had a cold and wet winter, so I said then that I wouldn't complain if it got hot this summer. And although I'm sweating right now, I am not complaining! :)
Its about 45-70F here. Gotta love Canada! So far just opening the windows at night serves as our A/C. I honestly think I'd die in temps above 100. How you guys deal is beyond me! A week in Arkansas over the summer and I was miserable! Give me snow over that kind of heat anyday.
My bills aren't too bad, I'm at a higher elevation here in AZ and it doesn't get very hot. Now, people in Phoenix, they will have bills that are $500 or $600 a month for just plain, normal sized houses. I couldn't do that!

We open the windows at night for as long as we can and then use the A/C after it gets a little warm. I normally don't have to use the A/C until maybe a couple weeks into May.
Sasha, It's too hot down south, but it's too cold where you are!!! I'm in a perfect location. I got up last night at 2 a.m. to shut off the fan in the window and lock up for the night. Helps keep it a little cooler for longer on the hot days inside the house. I don't have an a/c yet so I keep blinds closed and fans in windows that are out of the sun.
Jenn, I'm headed up your way to visit my folks for a week and I'm probably going to freeze to death! It doesn't even get down to 80 at night here anymore. Funny to think that.

Our electric is subsidized thanks to LA being so poor, mine is running $130 for the house and $30 for the chins. It never shuts off these days. :(
Jenn, as soon as I'm out of my Nursing program, Scott & I are relocating to the states and Washington state is probably our top option right now! I think it would be perfect weather-wise.
Sasha, you have to come visit when you come this way! Eastern Washington is a bit on the hot, dry side. Not as pretty, imo. The NW is green, has the peninsula, and is not too hot or too cold. But don't tell anyone else, there are already to many people discovering this area!
Thanks for the tip! I'm sure I'll be asking for more once it gets closer to moving time. Were going to try to stay relatively close to the Canadian border for weathersake and since my family will most likely be in BC.
Sasha, I'm right on the border basically, in the NW. I'm about 80 miles north of Seattle. I'm sure you already know this, but google the area, and see what appeals to you, weather wise, location wise, and what is available in the area. This area is gorgeous, great weather, but a bit too much rain, and job availability is going to vary by area. But you would be happy here!