Telling people you breed chinchillas

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New member
Jul 14, 2012
Once again, I hope this is in the right section...

I am wondering how the breeders here tell people they breed chinchillas. I'm having a hard time telling anyone because I'm not fond of the feed back some people give...i.e that breeding is bad, that it's cruel to sell the babies, that "you're only doing it for the money"....etc

I breed chinchillas for many reasons. Sure, profit comes with it, but ultimately my goal is to better the breed and send out higher quality pets. I do it also for the love of the animal. Just because I breed my chinchillas does not mean I don't love each and every one of them and doesn't mean I mistreat them and am a "backyard breeder" which I'm certainly not.

I've bred other animals in the past as well and I was always a bit weary of who I told. I also rescue chinchillas so I often times will just say that and leave out the breeding part.

But sometimes, if people come over and such, they will see the chins and ask. conclusion to this long winded do you let people know you breed? Do you just tell them and take their opinion for what it is?

I'd like some advice from experienced (more so than I anyways) breeders, who've been there and done that. :)

Thanks you!

I don't breed but belonged to the MCBA, has this really nice fleece jacket with the logo and Mutation Chinchilla Breeders of america on it, I got harrassed at the grocery store a few times by strangers, I nixed the jacket.
I think the thing is when you tell it, be firm, be proud, don't skirt it.

Come out and say, yes I raise chinchillas. If they ask about the babies tell them, I take time to find them good homes. If they say you're doing it for the money just laugh and say yup, that must be it...

I've had people ask what I do with them, how I sell them, all of it.... just have a nice firm answer. If you're confident about yourself, people won't question you. Tell them about shows so they realize you're not a back yard breeder... but in the end, who cares what they think, you don't have to sleep in their heads, you have to sleep in yours. :D
I've had more curiosity rather than negative feedback. People mostly want to know how I got into that because it seems rather obscure and if they run around in my house.
Here it is no problem telling people. This is a high agricultural area. Although when I tell people most don't know what they are. Shoot, 6 years ago I would have been saying "what is a chinchilla". Yeah we get the questions like "are you making any money?" That would be a definate no, we have been putting far more into them then we make, but it's something we enjoy.
What is there to be embarassed about??? I don't see anything wrong with any of it. It is a great hobby and fun too. As long as you are not "junk breeding" and are active and trying to improve and further the betterment of the species...I'd be PROUD not embarassed. By the way Dawn if you still have that jacket feel free to send it my way. I'll wear it to the grocery store anytime! lol
No matter where you go you can get static from people about rasining any kind of animal. I even got it from a local feed store that I went to for years about raising chinchillas and I no longer go there. I don't like getting the cold shoulder from a place I spend my money at. But I work in a grocery store and when they first hired me I let them know there is certain months of the year I can't work certain weekends in because of the chinchilla shows and meetings, ect. I did get some nasty remarks from people but most the time people did seem more curious than negative. I have come chinchilla pins and jewellery so If they see that I have been asked about that too. Most seem to ask me how I got started, how many I have and ask about shows ect. If you have been breeding awhile you just learn to deal with it I guess but I remember some off the wall rude comments when I first started breeding and showing.
All I usually get is "What are those? like a rabbit/ squirrel cross?" OR "you're not making fur coats are you?"

If anyone were to start on me, I would make sure I told them alllllll about the many animals I have rescued over the years and then ask them "how many animals have you rescued?"
usually I just hear something like "what are those?" or "that's some kind of bird right?".... I remember years ago before craigslist I used to run ads in the local newspaper when I had kits to sell. One time I tried placing an ad in the San Francisco Chronicle due to their large circulation area, anyhow every call I got off that ad was from people looking to buy a chihuahua. Now I don't know about the rest of you but I think it would be pretty hard to confuse chihuahua and chinchilla, just saying.
I can't say I remember ever having a negative reaction. I think it all depends on how you present yourself. I'm very proud when I say "I breed and show chinchillas". I've usually got a picture of some handy, either on my computer or my phone, and people can see that my chins aren't scraggly pet store chins, but gorgeous animals. If you get me talking, people quickly see how much knowledge and passion I have. I usually get the questions about making money, fur coats, running around loose in the house, etc. but I'm respectful when I respond and people usually leave it at that. Most people are curious about how the shows are run - "do you walk them around on a leash?", "what do they judge them on?" type deals.
I have it on my resume/CV under hobbies and my memberships and also have some of my awards listed. It was a big part of my personal statement when applying for undergrad and vet school, and I think it set me apart from the other applicants and played a part in my acceptances.
I get asked IF I breed all the time!! Must be buying all those supplies in giant sacks that makes them think I do, lol. I just smile and say "Nope, I have all girls."

Where I live, people think it's nuttier to have them for "just pets" than if I were breeding for profit, which I think would be more acceptable to them. I'm considered looney to be putting so much money into a pet hobby, rather than to take advantage of having chins by breeding them.

So that's why I'm "the crazy chin lady" around these parts, lol.

Oh, and (edited to add) with the website up, people think I am selling. I get e-mails from people wanting to know what kind of babies I have available, or asking if they can buy "the white one" in the pics.
I can't say I remember ever having a negative reaction. I think it all depends on how you present yourself. I'm very proud when I say "I breed and show chinchillas". I've usually got a picture of some handy, either on my computer or my phone
This 100%!

I also can't remember ever having a negative reaction. I don't go around using it as a conversation starter, but when people ask they usually lead with "do you make coats...?" lol. Answer is "Nope, just fuzzy little pets".

The fanatic look in my eye and excited energy level at that point shuts most people up. On the rare occasion they press further I have made eyes glaze over in the span of a few short minutes with random info. lmao.

Long story short - it is how you carry and present yourself when you answer the question. If you are quiet, shy and seeking acceptance you open yourself up for someone to criticize you. If you know your stuff and are confident they sense that right away and someone who might have criticized you earlier will just say oh, and loose interest.

Someone who is just being polite will ask one or two questions, but be at a 45 degree angle to you and might turn their head away. Someone who is really interested will square up with you, this can be to challenge you if they step into your space before the question, or genuine interest if they are attracted into your space after they hear the first answer. :D
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Thank you all for the replies. I feel more confident with telling people now, if they ask. I'm not ashamed of my furbrats! =) I want to show them off and teach people more about chinchillas because they're amazing animals.

Thank you all again for being so lovely with your replies to my concerns.

See you around!
