Teeth Grinding and possibly weight loss???

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Jan 2, 2015
I just got anot her chin, he's 8 years old and his name is Lou. He's normally very friendly and quiet, but today I walked in and I heard some awful teeth grinding. It was like nails on a chalkboard. I thought it was my other chin Loki at first but when I looked I realized it was my 8 year old. As I examined him it almost seemed like his little hip bones were sticking out a little more.... or maybe I'm panicking, I'm not sure. He just seems a bit out of it, if you will... Possibly Thinner? Yet when I offered him a papaya and a nut he was very quick to take the nut from me but strangely refused the papaya. I'm worried about him but he isn't showing any other signs like drooling or watery eyes or nose or lying on his side. Any suggestions from anyone who's experienced simular situations/symptoms? Let me know...
I'm not sure if it's really "tooth symptoms", the sound he's making sounds like something he'd do if he was irritated or angry. I've had him for about 2 months now, my initial reaction seeing this behavior is to go to the vet but I recently totaled my car and only have enough money for this month's tuition payment and that's about it... otherwise I would have taken him today when I noticed the weight loss and teeth grinding. I've never been stuck for money like this before and it's driving me insane :cry3: :cry4: :cry4:
Nuts and papaya are not good for chins...too much sugars and fats.

The grinding usually means pain... could be dental pain, or a gastro issue. I'd get him to a vet ASAP, and make sure to request body and dental x-rays.
I know, I never give him nuts, but I was hoping to at least get something into his system. Papaya is actually okay in small quantities and prevents hair balls.

AN UPDATE: He didn't poop at all all day yesterday. I know because I freshly cleaned his cage and not a single poop. He was also grinding his teeth very loudly and has been refusing water and food. Then finally an hour ago he accepted a few mint leaves from my garden and a few drops of olive oil which I am hoping will get his system moving. It worked wonders when my Cornish Hen Luna was very ill and almost died. The olive oil cleared her system right out so I'm hoping with a bit of force feeding it will do the same for Lou. He also just pooped 3 pellets but they were teeny and hard, but at least something is coming out. If anyone else knows any natural chin tummy remedies please feel free to share them...
an update:
He's stopped grinding his teeth now, and he's eating a bit, but he isn't drinking at all which is a problem. I managed to give him some peppermint leaves and olive oil, which got him to poop a little bit but it's still in teeny little pellets.
Unfortunately, I can not afford a vet at the moment. I know that that is bad. So in advance, I ask that no one lecture me on it.
Does anyone know of some things I can do to make him more comfortable, at least? Natural ways of helping him? That would be appreciated. Thank you!!!
Stop feeding the papaya and the olive oil. The papaya has way too much sugar which can add to the chinchilla's problem. You also need to stoop giving the olive oil. Chins cannot digest anything fatty or oily. It too can be adding to the problems. Feed only pellets, hay and water. Line the cage with white paper towels so you can see if he is urinating. If he is urinating, he is drinking. If he isn't, then you need to get him to the vet ASAP. If you don't have the money, borrow it.
Some vets also let you use like a credit with them and pay it off over time, might be worth phoning around and asking, it sucks but he definitely needs a vet!

Hope it works out.
You also need to get him some critical care and start force feeding if he's not eating enough. Good luck xxxx
Is her tummy bloated at all? When my chin came to me she had small poop and bloated belly from her diet. I used baby gas drops and belly rubs. Lots of gas drops. and resolved the issue with a week or so.