Teenage chinchilla attitude?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2013
My chinchilla is about four months now and the majority of the time, it seems that we've been bonding really well and that things are great. He climbs all over me when I open his cage, he's tried to snuggle into my hood, he'll hop into my lap, he let's me pet him all over (so long as I'm not seeming like I'm going to cup him and scoop him up)... et cetera.

In the mornings, he hops down and goes between the two shelves closest to me. When I go to leave, he runs to the shelf that's right by the door (but can't see me through the blanket covering that side of the cage), and the whole time stands on his back legs wanting a scritch.

This last week, though, I'll give him a good scritch and sometimes immediately afterwards, when I take my hand away, he'll nip me or bite me, the kind of bite that is usually used when I've done something he doesn't like or doesn't want. However, the entire time during the scritch he's craning his neck out, closing his eyes, looking very happy, and he happily takes another and doesn't always bite me after.

There was one time he even pulled my finger to him, and then bit it pretty hard! I don't know why.

Other times, if I tell him no, don't chew on that, and try to nudge him away, he will bite me and push me out of the way so he can keep doing what I told him not to!

He has also started a thing where he tries to burrow my arm. I'm not sure if that's affection, or if he needs a cuddle buddy. It's the same thing he does when he's trying to make himself a little messy nest of hay and fleece.

What should I do?

They do have attitude from time to time. Mine is a little diva and she usually gives you a warning by trying to push you away when she is not in the mood. If I don't get the message when she's in the mood I get nipped too.

I think a lot of us have gotten nipped or bitten a few times. Don't take it personally. They are like toddlers... we say the words and they really don't care what we want and continue with what they want.

Your little guy is still young. I have found that my little one will have bouts of attitude.

Try getting him a "cuddle buddy". (stuffed animal). Lola has one and there are times that she cuddles with her stuffed zebra named Zebie and there are other times that I have seen her slap, bite and toss him around.

My little girl is about a year old now and has changed alot since we got her but can still have attitude when she's in a mood.

Biting is their only means of defense other than slipping fur or dropping their tail. He's just being a chin.
All I can add is if he bites you, absolutely DO NOT give him what he wants. It teaches him that if he bites he can have what he wanted. Biting is unacceptable, if you take your hand away and he grabs it and nips, continue saying no and take your hand back. He's a toddler and he will do what worked last time and get into bad habits.
What a little goober!

I'll take all of this advice -- thank you guys. :D Buying him a cuddle buddy once I can pick a color!
Forever Fiesty Chin Rescue has chinchilla shaped cuddle buddies and the proceeds go to their rescue chin's food, etc. They're adorable.

The one Lola has is a dog toy but remember to check for chew hazzards like button eyes or plastic attachments.
The ones at Forever Fiesty are made by a member of this forum...ChinChic (not me, I have a q at the end of my username) and they are awesome! I have one for my chin and it is so cute.
Your chins don't chew the cuddle buddy? Mine chew hammocks so I'm sure they would chew something else soft. Or pee on it, depending. (Tseng seems to go on soft things like any blankets I may be using to sit on when they are out.) Is it more common for them to chew them or not chew them?
Never move your hand away

All I can add is if he bites you, absolutely DO NOT give him what he wants. It teaches him that if he bites he can have what he wanted. Biting is unacceptable, if you take your hand away and he grabs it and nips, continue saying no and take your hand back. He's a toddler and he will do what worked last time and get into bad habits.

Never put your hand away when he bites. dont do that this makes him wanna bite more.

If you get bitten or still trying to bite move your hand forward this will get her/him confused and stop biting. what will happen is they are like What the **** are you doing ? this is how i trained my neglected/abused chinchillas... they kept biting me when i putted my hand in the cage the poor girls where in a cage with nothing to climb on, no sand bath nothing and the bottem was nothing than a rooster. luckily the owner was commited to give me the chinchillas and they are very happy now.

It still takes a lot of them since i only have them like 2 months but they are improving i brought them immediatly to the vet they where fur biting, liver problems its a wonder they are still alive. and much more problems espacially behavior.... well they are squeeking now tho when they are getting out especially when i give them something new to chew on :D

Oh well what i was trying to say they might try to still bite you but sooner or later they will know like oh wait thats a hand don't bite !!!!! ofc they might nibble sometimes but thats okey if they start to bite really hard move your finger towards them. if you pull your hand away you scare them and you to because you are like why are biting me ;o stop that. when you move your hand forward to them if they wanna bite Say calmly no this will help a lot...