Teenage Chin?

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2012
So I've been reading quite a few accounts of chins turning from sweet babies to surly teenagers--when exactly does this start to happen?

Yesterday when I got home, I noticed that Mips (10 weeks old) was, ahem, having a private moment, and this morning he seemed to be less interested in hanging out with me than usual. Should I be steeling myself for baggy jeans, sass-back and alternate music tastes, or is it too early to be setting curfews and nagging about his choices in friends?
Should I be steeling myself for baggy jeans, sass-back and alternate music tastes, or is it too early to be setting curfews and nagging about his choices in friends?
Haha! This part was really cute :) Anyways, I definitely noticed when my chin started going through his "teenage" phase. He is now 6 months old, and He is a little less affectionate to me than he was when I first got him at 10 weeks. I had to make him a "chin buddy" because he started trying to hump my hand/arm every time I stuck my hand in the cage, and it really helped! He has not been doing that as much since then. 10 weeks sounds a little too young to be going through all of that, but I'm not an expert. Mine didn't start doing all of this until he was probably 4 or 5 months old maybe?
I have had many 8 week old kits discover their manhood and become hump monsters, so no, it is not too early for it to happen and it is perfectly normal.