Tattoo- unsure of where to put it.

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
I have thought about getting a tattoo for a while now and drew out the design that I wanted (the tattoo artist modified/redrew it for me). I went and talked with them yesterday and made an appt. for the 25th.

I originally was going to get it on my ankle but the design I wanted has wording and it needed to be bigger for it to be done. I thought it over and decided on the back of my shoulder.

However, my dad and everyone he talked to say not to get it on the back of the shoulder because it would look bad to potential employers and whenever i wore something with a strap there.

The tattoo has a personal meaning to me and I want it to be visible. I liked the shoulder because I could cover it up if I needed to but could have it visible as well.

So I'm unsure of where to get it now. I thought of the back of the calf but I don't think that would look that great. What about inbetween the shoulder blades?

The other thing I can do is change my design... it took forever to come up with the perfect one but if needed I could rethink and draw out a different one.

But I guess my question is- how unprofessional would one smallish tattoo look to employers? My hope is to eventually get a job with the government/FBI/CIA type thing. Obviously that is a long way off, but tattoos are there forever. And would I be better off coming up with a different design to get on my ankle (b/c that would probably look better than having it covered by a strap)?
In "professional" type job, I don't think you'll be showing much of your back off anyway (Tank tops, etc). I have one tattoo on my shoulder, the right blade on my back. You cannot see it with my work clothes, as they cover my back. When I go out, and want to show it off I can.

Before you do the leg tattoo consider if a future job will need you wearing skirts. A tattoo on your calf will show. I have one on the outter left of my calf, and love it. I do not wear shorts/skirts often so it was perfect for me, though I find myself wanting to wear them now TO show it off.

I think the back is a perfect place for a tattoo. You can show it off when you want to, but keep it hidden if needed.

Although I wish it didn't matter, but when employers are looking for someone, tattoos DO make an impression, even small ones..and sadly it is not yet a GOOD impression.

I am getting into the medical field, and the one thing my sister warned me is to watch where I place my tattoos. They can have NOTHING showing in the hospital she works at, all must be if you have a "sleeve" tattoo you are wearing long sleeve shirts in 100 degree weather.
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I agree with Megan...I have 1 that I wish I would've thought a little bit more about placement as far as jobs are concerned because you do have to be careful with that. But I love it all the same.
If you make being visible a priority in tattoo placement you do risk exposure, but both areas are fairly easy to hide. It's up to you, but since your chosen industry is a conservative one, I would make sure your tattoo can be kept under wraps easily in the course of daily business.
We talked about this in chat one night. It does make a HUGE difference in the work world, so choose your spot carefully. I think on the back is fine, as long as you don't plan to wear backless, strapless, or spaghetti strapped blouses. I would not put it out in the obvious or out in the open - it can and will change people's perception of you in a professional setting.
It is harder to cover one up on your calf than on your back. I have one on the top of my foot, which is pretty easy to cover with the right shoes. I also have one on my lower back, which i love but i cant see it!! I do have one on my wrist that can be covered with watch or hair tie but I wouldnt recommend that at all.
other spots would be yoru lower abdomen, by your bikini line, but high enough to show off and you can see it! post it when you get it OR post the design and maybe we can come up with a spot
I also wanted to say..if that is the design you love, do not change it! you will only regret it later. I picked and "off the internet" design and loved it when I got it, but now I wish i'd have taken the time to draw it up so it would be MINE. I'm going to head to my artist in a few weeks to see what we can come up with, but it would have been easier to work with it in the beginning vs now :) I still love the design I do have, i just wish it was orignal.
I have one on my right shoulder blade and don't think it's too hard to hide at all. Most jobs you do, you aren't going to be wearing sleeveless shirts anyways (in a professional type setting anyways). I agree that on the calf or ankle is harder to hide if you were to ever want to wear capris or a skirt to work.
Thanks for the input everyone, lots to think about.

I don't plan to wear strapless/spaghetti straps etc to work.... so the tattoo would be covered if it's on my shoulder. What my dad brought up was sometimes companies would have formal dinners/parties and if I wore a dress that had spaghetti straps or an around the neck strap (halter strap? idk what it's called haha), then it would be visible then. However, I wouldn't be going to those, if whatever company I even worked for had them, until after I was hired...and at that point they couldn't fire me or anything for it, could they? How often does someone actually look at someone's feet/ankles?

ETA- just saw some new replies. I'll have to get pics of the design I came up with. I have another design that I haven't drawn out but I am going to do that tonight and see how it is. My current one is long, but the other one is more vertical so I could place it where it wouldn't be blocked by a strap if I wore a tank top. I'll get pics once I draw it and post them :)
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I agree with Megan and everyone else. In a professional type job, they're almost never going to see the back of your shoulder. I have my tattoo on my left shoulderblade (I'm going to be a lawyer), and with the exception of some formal ball or something, I just can't imagine an occasion where I could come to work wearing something that would show off the tattoo...

Between the shoulder blades isn't a bad option, and I dunno if you have long hair, but I always thought that that place was really only good for someone with short hair, or else even if you wear something with a low-back or like a spagetti-strapped shirt, the hair will cover it.

I think the back's a great place to get it, as (I think) its easy to choose to wear things that won't show it, and it wouldn't look out of place to wear a shirt that covers your entire back (versus like a strappy blouse or something).
I have one in the middle of my back just below the bra line for the sake of healing i did it slightly lower. I can show it off over the summer time, but its incredibly easy to hide and still hidden for a wedding. If you plan to work for the gov. those type of events aren't mandatory (I work for the gov) and you could always wear one of those wraps so as to cover it up or put make-up on it for the night. It's your body though just be sure you love every aspect of it.
You can't have tattoo if you're in the CIA, and I'm pretty sure the same goes for the FBI.
I have one in the middle of my back just below the bra line for the sake of healing i did it slightly lower. I can show it off over the summer time, but its incredibly easy to hide and still hidden for a wedding. If you plan to work for the gov. those type of events aren't mandatory (I work for the gov) and you could always wear one of those wraps so as to cover it up or put make-up on it for the night. It's your body though just be sure you love every aspect of it.

That's what my friend said too... she has one on her shoulder and she just puts concealer on it if she has to go to a super formal event. But everyone is right- I'm not going to be wearing clothing that will show that area of my shoulder in the workplace.

I thought carefully about what design I wanted for the tattoo because of the fact that I knew I HAD to love it forever. I searched and searched for an internet design and couldn't come up with anything I loved... so I ended up drawing it myself. I have another idea that I have to draw out to see how it looks, but if it comes out well I may use that instead- I like both of them alot...
They must have changed their policies then or that's for the office people. I know for a fact that it used to be a disqualifier, as were facial scars etc, because they don't/didn't want people who could be easily distinguised, like "that girl with a dragon tattoo works for the CIA".
They also make products to cover tatoos. One is called Dermablend. When I got my first tat 20 years ago, i didnt have the guts to tell my dad so on a trip to disney i covered it with the dermablend! that stuff is water proof too!
So even if you had an event and the dress didnt cover there are always options!
I think it's different anyway for the FBI. I know some of our local Agents, and had to deal with some in a professional way, and you'd be amazed at some of the things they have. Sometimes it's actually to their benifit, as it looks more "natural", but most I've seen can be hidden. If you do go to a party, even if you get a great dress with straps or a halter, you'd probably want to wear something to cover up anyway, because if it's that conservitive you wouldn't want to wear that anyway, or it could be cool out. Even in summer here, when it's over 95 out, I still wear something unless I'm going to be outside the whole time. I have one on the back of my shoulder and it's so easy to cover unless I want to show it. It's a litte more to the center. If I wear a regular tank top it's usually covered, but if I wear a men's undershirt type you can see it great.
I have tattoos on my arms from the elbow up, down my legs, my back, ribs, stomach, ankles, chest, etc. All of these can be easily covered up with professional clothes when I go to work. In fact most people are surprised when they find out that I do have tattoos since they are covered while I'm at work.

I think the back shoulder blade would be ideal for a small script tattoo as you describe.

I also believed that it was against regulations to have a tattoo if you wanted to be a field agent in the FBI or CIA. You may want to double check on that for yourself if that is the career area you really want to enter.
I have tattoos on my arms from the elbow up, down my legs, my back, ribs, stomach, ankles, chest, etc. All of these can be easily covered up with professional clothes when I go to work. In fact most people are surprised when they find out that I do have tattoos since they are covered while I'm at work.

I think the back shoulder blade would be ideal for a small script tattoo as you describe.

I also believed that it was against regulations to have a tattoo if you wanted to be a field agent in the FBI or CIA. You may want to double check on that for yourself if that is the career area you really want to enter.

Thanks for the info.... I know people who have connections who have all said they believe tattoos are allowed so long as they are not obviously visible, and the CIA website says that having tattoos do not disqualify you from applying... but I will see if my connections can get me a contact with someone who I can verify that with.