Talk about chunky monkey! Ralph, one year later...

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<--My sweet girl Gregory
Jan 29, 2009
Washington DC Metro Area
On March 16th, I will have had Ralph for a whole year! Time flies...

Let's do a comparision, shall we?

Here's Ralph on March 28th, 2008:

Here's Ralph nearly a year later, March 2, 2009:

On a random closing note, Ralph would like to remind other chinnies to clean behind their ears. He has kindly demonstrated how this should be done:
OMG look at the difference! I didn't think he grew THAT much since coming to you!
Inghthe second picture, he looks like a budda!
What color is he? The flash has him "washed' every which way! Big guy, though!
Lmao!! What are you feeding him?? Lol..he's adorable :D Makes me wanna snuggle with him!!
I'd say Ralph has a healthy appetite LOL. What a handsome little guy!!
LMAO, he does kinda resemble a silverback gorilla in the cutest chinny way!
He's CUTE!! wow has he grown and I love his color!
Ralph is such a gorgeous boy!! I was looking at Ralph's first picture when my husband (who often looks over my shoulder when I'm on the forum) commented on how cute he was and suddenly I scrolled down to Ralph's current picture and he nearly fell out of his chair laughing LOL. He said he wasn't prepared for "bigger" Ralph. He knows how much I covet the x-dk ebs! I would totally steal Ralph from you if I lived a wee bit closer :innocent:.
Thanks everyone! I was actually pretty shocked myself when I compared the two pictures.

For those that asked, Ralph is free fed PANR Show pellets, and a mixture of 2nd cut timmy and mountain grass hay. He weighs about 720 grams now.

Hooh-leee-schnikes, that's a lotta chinchilla! Just gorgeous. Who bred him?

Ralphie was bred by Summit Hill Chinchillas (user Megan) :)