Taking in some chins...

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So a coworker of my bofriend's has 2 chins that her kids don't take care of. Apparently she feeds them cereal and packets of oatmeal when they run out of food...

He's on his way home with them.

I just got off the phone with him, he said they look terrible, their fur is greasy and matted. And he said the cage is closer to chicken wire than anything else.
As soon as they get home their getting a nice heaping of tradition, hay, and a bath.
Any other pointers??
Anyone in the Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus area have a decent cage big enough for 2 chins available for kinda cheap??
Give them some acidophilus to help keep their guts on track after all that junk and a quick switch. I'm sure you already know the quarantine deal, but for newer people who might stumble across this, make sure they get a full 30 day quarantine away from your other chins.

Loooooooots of dust baths. :)

I agree, lots of dust! As for a cage, you could check on craigslist, I've found some great cages on there.

Might want to get some baby gas drops(simethecone) to help with that too. Their gut could be full of gas from the junk food, and it will help with the food switch.

Definitely check craigslist! You can get some bargains--just make sure you clean them very well.
Ok, got 'em...
They look awful. The cage isn't as bad as I thought it would, but I can't tell if it's salvageable or not yet...
One doesn't look so bad at a glance, but upon closer inspection I'm a little worried. She just kinda sat there, and it sorta looked like she was dry heaving. Her whiskers are chewed pretty short, but her fur is mostly intact.
Her attitude has me worried, none of my other chins are so... I guess I'd call it anti-social.
Chin 2 looks AWFUL, and upon closer inspection looks WORSE. She's a definite fur chewer, and is covered in gross matts. Then I was watching her move around and something was just off. I mention this to the bf and he sais the previous owner said she broke her leg. It looks terrible. It's pointed almost perfectly sideways, and her hip is bowed out. However, she snapped up the pellets I gave her like candy, and was loving the hay and sticks...
When photobucket starts working, I'll post some pics. They got some acidophilus, and I'm pretty sure I have some gas drops in my first aid kit. I'll keep my eye out for cages, and I'd love any more suggestions.
Keep a strict quarantine--care for your chins, then those, clothes go in the washer and you go in the shower.

Honestly, it sounds like a vet check is needed for the 2nd, with that leg.

Don't worry about the fur, and the matts. Dusting will make a wonderful, huge difference, and you can gently pull out the matts.

The anti-social behavior is common in neglected chins. It will take some time for them to get used to your presence, and being handled.
And the fur-chewer might come around after fixing the leg, good food, and a lot of TLC - happened three times here! [the fur-chewing part]
I'm so glad you have them! Don't worry about their behaviour, they feel so sick. Better get them to the vet. Thanks for caring for them
It's such a shame to hear about these poor neglected chinnies, but congrats on rescuing these two little girls! I agree with everyone else - just worry about getting them to the point where they're eating, drinking, and at least stable health-wise, and then worry about behavioral issues. I would definitely get the 2nd girl with the broken leg to the vet... it's very possible that she will have to be amputated. Best of luck, keep us updated!
Kudos for doing a rescue! I'd say that both girls need at least a check-up at the vet. I always got the rescues checked just to be sure things were okay with them. I have a good sized cage that I'd like to get rid of...three stories, but each story has the same wire-bottom at the rest of the cage. It's in pretty good shape, but would need some wood over the floors or fleece or something. I think the pan is pull-out but I may be mistaken. Cortney may have cages available; she's in Columbus. I don't think she's joined on here yet, so I'll shoot her an email with the link to here. I could meet you partway if you'd like the cage I have :)
Awwww.. those poor babies. If the 2nd chin does have to have her leg amputated its not a problem with most chins. We have a tripod here that lost his leg (shelf accident) at 6 months. He is now 2 and acts like he has all four.:) Glad tohear that you rescued those little ones.
You may want to keep them on paper towels etc. instead of shavings for the first few days to monitor their poop. Make sure the color, density etc are in order. Stay away from any "treats" as of now, wood chews are a go though!!!

ummmm...check their teeth to make sure they are not calcium deficient (sp? sorry can spell for crap) if they are white or have white lines you need to get some tums...and with mats, they will go away on their own but if they look like they are bothering their skin you'll need to snip them

good luck!!! Hopefully everyone will keep throwing in their 2cents!!!
Sorry I haven't updated this. Thans for all the suggestions. It turned out they were both boys with very large hair rings. The poor boys... That does make me happy though, it means I have 6 boys instead of 4 boys and 2 girls. Now I can have one big playtime when they come out of isolation. They are in the downstairs bathroom. Here are some pics:
The cage they came with:

The lining in their old cage, and their old food:

And if you're wondering, yes, that's bubble wrap...
More pics:

In the carrier right after we got them:

Hello new people!

Hiding behind the toilet, he doesn't like people much...

Close up of Stoppie's leg:

We named him Stoppie because he runs around on his front feet and looks like he's doing a stoppie! Haven't gotten to the vet yet, work has been crazy... :( I've got an apt Wed of next week.
Both are eating, drinking and pooing well. I've been giving acidophilus. Both are a bit nippy, but nothing serious.
Teeth look normal...
Stoppie's fur is looking better; I’m still contemplating cutting the mats out to hurry the process. Any suggestions as to whether or not this is a good idea?

That's it for now. Anymore suggestions are still very much appreciated! Oh and it turns out the cage I have should be good for some time, I'll keep my eye out though...
As far as the mats go, if they are pulling on the skin and irrating the chin then cut them out. Other wise leave them-good baths and simple grooming of you and them will take care of that.

Is the one with the bum leg still in the carrier??? even though it is "healed" and the damage is already done, I would probably keep him in teh carrier until it was looked at so that he doesn't do anything to make it worse...so no ledges etc...

Keep us posted!!! those poor babies :cry4:
Oh wow, they look like they're in pretty rough shape :( It's so hard to believe how neglectful people can be. I'm glad to hear they're doing well - I hope they continue to bounce back quickly! Good luck at the vet appt - I wouldn't be surprised if little Stoppie needs to be amputated, but I'm sure he'll do well either way!
I'd try combing them out before cutting - sometimes they're not as bad as they look. They both look pretty healthy, other than the leg, but the vet will tell you on that.
Best of luck with them! Hoping they come around with a little TLC!
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I'm sorry Amber, just now reading all this. They actually dont look as bad as I'd imagined, I've seen much worse & had them turn out wonderfully with lots of time & TLC. I agree if the mats are pulling at the skin & causing discomfort then maybe trim them out, but otherwise just give lots of dust baths and try combing, and nature will take care of the rest.

My spare is that exact same cage -but i line the bottom & all the shelves/levels with custom fleece liners to protect their lil feet, and add lots of wood shelves & ledges. WOW @ bubble wrap tho, thats a totaly new one for me.
I feel so bad they're in such bad condition, but I am so much more happy that you have them! I can't wait till they make a full recovery! Good luck!