Taking a job you know you will hate?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I was offered a job on Friday working 3-11 pm, Monday-Friday. I have not worked in a few months due to losing my job. I know I need a job right now, but the idea of taking this job makes me nervous and feel sick. I suffer from depression and anxiety, and I think this job will make my symptoms flare up again. It is working in the homes of people who are developmentally delayed.It involves driving them and giving medications. I hate giving meds. It makes me nervous to the point of tears. I did it at my past Job and I was miserable. I dont like the shift either :/. My job coach told me I should take it if the market is tight. But I also plan on going back to school in September for a vet assistant program. The classes are during the week from 6-9. So I couldn't do this job and go back to school. I have a BA I'm social work, but I love animals. I think I'm in the wrong field. I'm supposed to go talk to the people on Monday about the job. Just not sure what to do. If I had a 9-5 job I could easily go back to school.
I've always been told that it is easier to get a job when you already have one. That being said, if you intend to go back to school in 4 months then it's probably not a good idea to take a job that will not coincide with those hours or make you miserable. Having taught for 10 years, children with many different issues, it would also not be fair to the people you would be helping if you knew it in no way would be permanent. JMO!
I would keep looking for a job if you are planning to leave any ways. It takes an employer a lot of time and money to train someone even if you do have experience. Have you thought about putting applications in at animal hospitals as a trainee?
I understand how you feel having anxiety and depression. Just the thought of going to the store on a bad day brings me to tears and flares up my symptons horriblely. Anyway, if you can't work the job you got offered and go to school in a couple months because of the hours clashing, I think you should decline the job, but keep looking. Ditto, Snickers, have you thought about putting applications in diffrent fields?
Thanks for the input everyone! I'm pretty sure at this point I'm not going to take the job. I'm meeting with them tomorrow to talk with them, and I do have another job interview Tuesday :)
Maybe a little off topic but ... you realize that being a vet assistant is going to put you in a position to be dealing with medications and procedures and all sorts of things like that, right? Or are you particularly aversive to giving HUMANS medications? Maybe I don't understand.

I'm a former vet assistant - granted I worked in an emergency vet where the responsibilities and stress levels were 1000 times greater than at a private practice, but it's not an easy job (or at least it wasn't there). You have lives in your hands on a regular basis, it's really tough. I'm not trying to talk you out of it, by any means, but if you know you'll have a hard time with it maybe you should look into shadowing with some vets first, get your feet wet; before you invest in school and rearrange your whole life for this school program.

And it IS always easier to get a job when you already have one. Employers get nervous when they see you've been unemployed for a while, many will pass people up just for that reason. If it was me, I would take the job anyway. Things could change, you could even like the job once you get into it. I've taken awful jobs before, but in the end they only made me stronger, and like it or not, I did learn and take something away from each one.
It's giving humans medication that scares me. My last job I had to give feeding tubes. That scares the heck outta me. I hated doing it. I'm used to medicating animals, I've done all sorts of meds with my pets over the years. Oral, and injectable. It's something I have some experience with.

The job itself is not something I would enjoy. I'm not a good driver, and I don't like having clients in my car. I'm going to talk to them tomorrow though and go over the job package. I can always back out. I stress out to the point I need Xanex to function or begin random crying bouts. My depression and anxiety is in check right now with medication.

I'm going to call my career counselor tomorrow after I meet with the people about the job. And find out if the agency will pay for me to go to school. And stop by the college to find out about the classes. I took the first part of the vet assistant program years ago, and I enjoyed it very much. I did an internship type thing at that time as well.