I have a 6 year old male chin. He has a very swollen abdomen/genital area. I checked for a hair ring and found none. He is pooping like he is constipated. I have put him alone to monitor him better. He eats pellet rabbit food, timothy hay a couple times a week, and dried trail mix as a treat occasionally. He is a good drinker, but I have yet to see him drink today. It doesn't seem to hurt him. It feels like two mounds on each side, they are soft and moveable. I have had him from a baby and he has never had problems. Within the past few months he started fur chewing on him and his cage mate. I give him plenty to chew on and play with, and it has gotten better but I will still find some patches every once in awhile. Please don't attack me when I say this...I am very tight on funds at the moment and would like to be able to remedy this at home. If it seems life threatening, of course I will take him to the vet. BUT if it sounds like something treatable, advice would be welcome! Thank you!