Surprise kits!

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Sherry Elaine

Apparently our lovely ebony Twink was pregnant when we bought her. We have only had her a couple of months. This morning at 7:30 a.m. my husband watched as she delivered two kits!

My husband managed to get a baby safe cage, some apple juice, and move the air up to 70. (It was on 65.) Also, we have a local breeder who lives in our city.

Any more words of wisdom? I'm at work, and I can't help him physically. I can text information to him, though.

They are so absolutely beautiful. My goodness, I can't believe George actually got to witness it. I told him that was a cruel way to get me out of bed. (I have a hard time waking up.) He wasn't kidding, though!
Congratulations - sounds like you guys knew exactly what to do!!
Been breeding for almost 10 years, and still haven't seen a live birth - someone's very lucky!!
You could have left the A/C alone, as the Mom needs to keep cool, and the kits will go to her for warmth!
Good luck with them, and I hope you can get the pictures up!
wow, your husband is so lucky!! congratz on your new kits! Can't wait for pictures!!
pictures please :) just make sure you dilute the apple juice..50/50. And you will need a gram scale - walmart has kitchen scales for about $20 - to make sure the kits are gaining weight, and weigh them daily at the same time of day.
I went over there, and Sherry and George have done an awesome job turning a ferret nation into a baby-safe cage. George is so handy! They have two beautiful little kits, a standard male and a light ebony female. The kits are gaining weight extremely well! I took over some supplement for her, but it seems like they have everything under control! I am so jealous that he got to witness the birth! Just wait until you guys get to see the pics!
Not fair teasing us about the pics. Congrats on the little ones and good luck with them!