Surgery on my 13 year old dog

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
My American Eskimo is due to have surgery Wensday. She has a growth on her side about the size of a dime. It seemed like a wart, but it kept bleeding and pus was forming. My vet suggested removal. Surgery will be about $250. About $400 total after her physical exam. My vet said it would be like twilight anesthesia in humans to make it easier on her, due to her age. My vet does not seem concerned with putting her under. I'm scared to death! I don't want something to happen to her because of her age. I trust my vet though, I have been seeing him over 15 years. He treats my chins as well. Has anyone had a dog 13 or older go in for surgery?
My 12 year old just went in last month and I was just as concerned as you. She is a Lhaso Apso which is tiny compared to your baby but she was OK. She had a really hard time coming out of the anesthesia. She was totally out of it for most of the day and night but the next day, she slowly returned to herself. Sending healing thoughts for your pooch!
One of my old friends had her 15 year old yorkie go in for surgery for a growth on her jaw. If I remember right, it was the same kind of light anesthesia. She came out just fine and is now 18 years old. I'd trust your vet! I'd say relax, but that'll never happen; been there, done that. Good luck Renee!
Lol, I'm trying! They offered to send it for biopsy, but I'm not sure if I'm going to. I have to ask my parents about it. The $400 is pretty much my whole vet fund, but I could pay them back with my tax return.
They actually canceled her surgery. Her blood work came back. Her liver levels are off. They are going to put her on antibiotics for a week to see if that helps.