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Shadow's mom
Jul 11, 2012
I always like to have supplements in hand at all times. I am running out of 'Chinchilla Organic Herb & Grain Fusion™', and I am considering buying some new herbs at Fuzzie's Kingdom. Has anyone bought herbs/treats/supplements from there, and has it helped your chinchilla in any way? I was also considering buying chewable vitamin c tablets and liquid calcium (i know too too much calcium is bad) just for better health. Yes I am worried because he's turning 7 in September, and I want him to have every nutrient he needs that he can't get out of oxbow hay and oxbow pellets. By the way, I don't give him any treats other then herbs. No raisins ever and anything really sweet. Sometimes I give him those apple & oat cookies (tiny piece) and oat supplements.
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He really is getting everything he needs from the Oxbow. Unless a chinchilla has special circumstances (sick, injured, pregnant, nursing, in breeding etc), they do not need any supplements. 7 is not that old at all. I definitely would not mess with the calcium. That being said, I have bought from Fuzzies Kingdom before as have many others here. Never had a complaint, very knowledgeable, good customer service and good products.
I use a good quality pellet without any treats in it, plenty of loose timothy hay and alfalfa cubes and filtered water. No treats, no supplement, no extra vitamins.
I've bought a supplement and a hammock from Fuzzies Kingdom and I really like both, as do my boys. I got the organic broad spectrum supplement about 5 months ago and with two chinchillas receiving it, I've only gone through half the bag. The breeder I got my boys from recommended it as she said that's what she gave them frequently. The bag says you can give it daily but I only give it as a treat about 3 times a week now. It smells wonderful when I open it too (I love the smell of fresh herbs). The site has a great selection of organic herbs and treats too. You don't need to give them supplements since you give them plenty of timothy hay and good pellets but I recommend this supplement if you are wanting to. Add some alfalfa hay cubes to their diet a couple times a week if you think your chins need more calcium. These also work great as a treat
I agree with Stackie, he should be getting everything he needs from the pellets and adult males don't need extra calcium. If you want to give vitamin C, I'd give it in it's natural state, like a rose hip or rose petals/buds. :))