Superpet Glass Bottles

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Nov 24, 2010
I've been hearing many bad things about these bottles, and how people prefer Lixit glass bottles. I went to petsmart and they only had one Lixit glass bottle. Should I just go with the Superpet Glass Bottle? I've heard they some chins can't get water out of the superpet glass bottles! Poor things :(.
I had only used the superpet glass bottles and had no problems with them. Then when wheels were introduced, they leaked. I think you can buy it no problem, just make sure you push the metal balls when you fill it up. I've had no problems with em, aside from the leaking. I hope this helps!
I have never had any luck with the Superpet glass ones. I know some people say if you fill it just right and leave some air or don't leave some air or whatever, the water flows... you know, no matter what I did I could never get the water to flow. For me, it wouldn't be worth getting a bottle that I'd constantly worry about.
I have a Superpet glass water bottle on my girl's cage and have no problem with it. I fill it up all the way and then push the metal ball a few times anyways to make sure it doesn't leak.
I have 11 8-oz glass Lixit bottles and 1 glass superpet bottle and haven't had any trouble with any of them (as long as the spout is screwed on straight and the bottle is fully upright).
I've been using the superpet water bottles for like... uh... ever. Probably 5 years or so. They do drip but it is minimal. I've never used a lixit.
I have 4 of the superpet bottles and don't have any problems.

** I did find that using room temperature water helps with the dripping. When I was using water straight from the fridge they would leak quite a bit.
I had 2 Superpet bottles and returned both because they leaked terribly!!! Bought a Lixit and have had no problems!!!!!
I think I'm going to return them to get my money back, and wait until I find the Lixit large 16 ounces. I bought the 8 ounces but they wouldnt mount on the ferret nation! So I returned them and got the Superpet glass bottles. I tried them out last night, and they were terrible! I woke up to see if the chins could get water out of the bottles and I wake up to see the bottle's water level gone, and the bedding all wet! :(. I'm very unhappy about the water bottles. I checked to see if it was my mistake, but it wasn't.
I can't remember what type of bottle I used to have but I dropped it the other day and it cracked so I had to go out and buy another one. I ended buying the Hagen Chew Proof Water Bottle at my local pet store. They didn't have any Lixit bottles and I couldn't wait to order one online. I chose this glass one over the others because this one's made out of recycled glass. I've had it for about a week now and it's completely drip free! And it was only 5 bucks so that's good too :)
I use the 8 oz Oasis bell bottle for my chins. They all liked the long nozzle of the glass bottle and used it as a perch and would get wet. My rabbits still use the SuperPet glass bottle though.
I just wanted to give you another good brand of bottle :)