suggestions to stop popping in food bowl??

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
I clean chins cage 2-3 times a week.....change the bedding, sand the shelves...wipe all the toys food bowls, water ect.....

he wont stop pooping in his bowl....I know its not harmful for them to eat the poop....I change his food daily so he wont eat poops! its just kind of like why you pooping where you eat lol.....

any suggestions?

oh also I swear shes throwing poop out of the cage too but I have not caught her yet :hilarious:

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Other than getting a dish that they can get to, but not ON, there's not a lot you can do. My best defense has been giving 2 tablespoons of pellets, then checking to see if they need more later in the day. Then I have minimal waste and the food is typically about gone before they go pooping in it.

And yes, they do throw their poop. I swear sometimes it's a competition to see who can throw the farthest!
Other than getting a dish that they can get to, but not ON, there's not a lot you can do. My best defense has been giving 2 tablespoons of pellets, then checking to see if they need more later in the day. Then I have minimal waste and the food is typically about gone before they go pooping in it.

And yes, they do throw their poop. I swear sometimes it's a competition to see who can throw the farthest!

Thats a great idea Im home all day so a few teaspoons instead of throwing the whole bowl out would help ....I tend to overfill out of habit...
my husband said chin-chin threw poop at him but I thought he was being funny but its always a good distance from the cage !

luckilly chin poops dont bother me at all lol
I use a ceramic dish that has a cover and attaches to the side of the cage. Some of my chins were peeing in the dish. This stopped the peeing because they can't sit in the dish. I get the ceramic dish in the parrot section of Petsmart. I thoroughly believe that chins throw their poop and if they hit someone that only makes it better
As far as poop throwing goes, my chins are in bedroom and I swear I go to sleep with a clean bed but wake up with chin poop in my bed! They must throw it at me at night:eek:
Where do you have the food bowl? On a shelf? Sitting on the bedding? I ask because we have some chins, where if the food bowl is sitting on the bedding, they will pee/poo in it.... but then if I use a coop cup and attach the bowl to the side of the cage that way, like where they have to be on a shelf to reach it... they will stop peeing/pooing in the bowl. Works for us, so far, so just a thought.
I use a ceramic dish that has a cover and attaches to the side of the cage. Some of my chins were peeing in the dish. This stopped the peeing because they can't sit in the dish. I get the ceramic dish in the parrot section of Petsmart. I thoroughly believe that chins throw their poop and if they hit someone that only makes it better

yes he is sitting on his dish!

As far as poop throwing goes, my chins are in bedroom and I swear I go to sleep with a clean bed but wake up with chin poop in my bed! They must throw it at me at night:eek:

that is to funny and I cant believe it they can be sneaky very sneaky!!!

Where do you have the food bowl? On a shelf? Sitting on the bedding? I ask because we have some chins, where if the food bowl is sitting on the bedding, they will pee/poo in it.... but then if I use a coop cup and attach the bowl to the side of the cage that way, like where they have to be on a shelf to reach it... they will stop peeing/pooing in the bowl. Works for us, so far, so just a thought.

its on the floor of the cages.....and there is aspen bedding all around it...ive even tried putting the bowl under a ledge so she cant sit in the bowl but she pushes it and squeezes into the bowl....and just poops away.....I bet plus she poops all over the cage too of course lol

I may try suspending the bowl too Ill try evey suggestion until I find a solution to the poopy pellets!!!!
I zip tie a coffee cup to the cage wire and fill it half full. You can vacume the cup, and at least once a week I clip the zip tie and wash the cup and use a new zip tie to attach it
I use a ceramic dish that has a cover and attaches to the side of the cage. Some of my chins were peeing in the dish. This stopped the peeing because they can't sit in the dish. I get the ceramic dish in the parrot section of Petsmart. I thoroughly believe that chins throw their poop and if they hit someone that only makes it better
Lol is it this one? mine pee in the dish too...

@kerri101: Mine poo in their dish too and two of them even pee in it. I also give them less food and check later on to see if they need more, which seems to help some.
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When I first got my guy, he used to pee in his food ALL THE TIME. Now I have changed him to a j-feeder and he can't pee it in anymore. The only time poo gets into it now is when he pushed the poo out of the top of his cage and it falls into the back of the feeder but it is only ever a couple pieces. I tried putting his sticks and wood chews in the food bowl but he continued to pee in it. Depending on the type of cage you have I'd suggest either one of the coup cups as others have suggested, or a j-feeder.
We got Vincenza one of those little cups to bolt to the side of the cage for exactly this reason.

Guess what?

Poop! Less poop. But poop!

We give her about 4 tablespoons a day out of a little paranoia and clear it out completely if there are poops in it :).
Wow, I guess I lucked out.

My chins never pee on their food bowl, and hardly ever climb into it so there's rarely any poo.

The bowl is kinda tall, and I put it right by their "Chin Chiller", so they like to sit in the cool granite, lay their little front paws on the bowl and just dip their head in whenever they want a snack.
another chance to post one of my fav pics just for peoples amusment! :D

i swear my chins think its a game to poop in and move their food bowl around.
ive given up on stoping them and put alot less food in the bowl

also i frequently walk by the cage to see the chins throwing poo at their buddie (my cat Lomi) as he tries to clean them through the cage bars.
its cute but alittle anoying to have to clean up.