Suggestions for "Baby-Proof Cages"

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Alfred's Mommy
Jul 22, 2012
Hello! Just wondering how you guys have your cages kit-proofed? Is there a certain brand you would recommend? Or do you just DIY? Thanks!
Bigger breeders use breeding runs which are baby proof to start with. I built most of my cages or looked for certain traits. I'm not aware of any one particular brand that you can look for that is baby proof.
Hardwire cloth is the only real way to modify a cage that's spacing is too big. I think there are some martins cages or quality cages that are already 1/2" x 1/2" or 1" x 1/2"

I've built and bought a few home made cages using hardwire cloth so those were my main ones for weaning. I used runs though for pregnant females with young kits.
If you are only going to have just a few chins I like the Critter Nation cages. I baby proofed a Ferret Nation once (and invented a few new curse words while doing so) and trust me it is so much nicer and easier to just go with a Critter Nation off the bat if you can.

I used hardwire cloth, metal zip ties and j-clips. Considering what I had to buy and the time it took it would have been cheaper just selling my Ferret Nation and using that money toward a Critter Nation.

Now I just use breeding runs. (I learned my lesson).
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I used hardwire cloth and plastic zip ties for my ferret nation. It took me two nights to do it and it SUCKED but it was my only choice. Luckily my female and kits didn't chew on the plastic but that may not be the case for your chins. My male who lived on the bottom level would have chewed every zip tie. I even had to lower his ledges so he couldn't reach them.
Quality Cages Company offers baby proof wire as a option on their cages. It does cost extra but it is a small fee and worth it. You will also need to remove the shelves to keep mom from hiding from her kits. go with a cage that is short rather than tall. Kits can climb the wire within hours of birth and when this happens, they fall, possibly injuring themselves.
Thank you to all for your ideas! Will be looking into everything that was suggested! Thanks again! :)