Such an amusing morning

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This morning I had three peach cobblers to deliver to my "little sister", we aren't related Im the adoptive "big sister". 1 is for a bake sale, 1 is for a cake walk, and 1 was for her family. The pies were stacked in my passenger seat, purse and jacket on the floor below.

I'm stopping at a red light and waiting to get on the freeway. And this guy comes flying up behind me like a mad man. I slip my car out of neutral, into first and try to accelerate as he hits my bumper.

As the pies began to fly, I tried to shoot my arm over really quickly, subsequently smacking the pie tins plastic top off towards the door. And pie flipped through the air and landed open face first into my purse.

So I dig my wallet out of my pie purse, jump out of the car and I'm walking up to this guy like he just drop kicked my baby (mind you I'm 5'3 and look as sweet as the pie that just decorated my purse interior). His face, I wish I had gotten a picture, maybe it was the peach junk all over my hands and wallet but he was terrified. I glanced over at my unharmed bumper and this exactly how the conversation went:

Me, finger pointed accusingly: Ambulances and fire trucks reserve the right to drive like that. Boy, you owe me an amazing peach cobbler and make it quick.

Him, looking shocked: I thought you were going to punch me.

Me: Escuse me? Did you miss the whole pie thing? I'm in a hurry and it kinda seemed like you were too.

Him: I saw your arm. I thought there was a kid in the car. I thought I was going to be beat down. Pie? Okay, how much is pie?

Me: Whatever you can spare. I'll cover the rest, Flash.

He pulls out his wallet, gives me a twenty, and utters a sorry while shaking his head.

My final call: Thank you. I don't have kids, but you're lucky I didn't have a chin with me. I'd have beat you down.

I laughed uncontrollably after. Especially when I realized he thought my kid broke their nose and bled peach cobbler onto my hands. What a ridiculous morning lol =]
I wouldn't call it a bad morning, quite memorable actually hahah.I find it so funny how people will drive like they're Mario Andretti and then when they hit you, they're scared stiff lol.

All in all eveyrone got their pie, and my purse smells amazing