stuff spoiling?

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Ok i emailed the lady that makes the lifeline and she said lifeline will never spoil but i have not gotten a response back from Ryersons yet, does anyone know how long it takes their supplement to spoil?
I'm not to sureabout lifeline. Are you talking about Ryersons supplement? Where are you storing it? I was told to keep it in the refrigerator because of the wheat germ in it.
yea, Dawna, the lady who makes life line, says it never spoils, but im trying to figure out the ryerson stuff? Also how does everyone store it?
Lineline has to be kept in the refrigerator or it will "spoil". As for the supplement, I keep mine in a airtight container under the chin's cage.
Anything with wheat germ in it will go bad outside of the fridge very quickly. It's a good idea to use it maybe within a month...I know that that stuff doesn't last too long.

As for the Life Line...the only thing that can go wrong with it is the acidophilus. The other ingredients are very stable and will not spoil or harm the chinchillas if they are past the expiration date. It doesn't have wheat germ in it.