Stubborn kit

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
So, as of lately Maia has decided she would like to be really stubborn. I mean I knew from the second I picked her up at 4 hours old and she was jumping over my hand and climbing the cage she was going to trouble, so this isn't a surprise, but now when I feed her, she will NOT eat with me holding her, I did that for a while, let her have a little taste of freedom, and she took it. So she HAS to be fed me handing her the syringe through the bars of the cage because if I open it she is too fixed on getting out, and I can't feed her out of the cage or she is too happy and won't eat. But, now she will take the syringe for a little bit, push it away hop over and grab a pellet to eat. Really? :banghead: I think she's doing that in spite...but I know she's hungry as she grabs a pellet (and she won't even accept it from my hand, SHE has to pick it up) and eats it. Should I space her feedings out more? She's almost 6 weeks and I'm feeding every 4-5 hours, there is slight variation, she weighs 168 grams.

She's gonna be something...
I thought about that, but she's really picky about the temperature of her milk. It has to be warm, but not too warm, and she won't touch it cold. I'll try that tonight though, I'll take it out after about 4 hours, sound right?
She's almost 6 weeks and I'm feeding every 4-5 hours, there is slight variation, she weighs 168 grams.
At that weight and age she can be weaned. She probably is eating enough solid food and does not need the milk.