So, as of lately Maia has decided she would like to be really stubborn. I mean I knew from the second I picked her up at 4 hours old and she was jumping over my hand and climbing the cage she was going to trouble, so this isn't a surprise, but now when I feed her, she will NOT eat with me holding her, I did that for a while, let her have a little taste of freedom, and she took it. So she HAS to be fed me handing her the syringe through the bars of the cage because if I open it she is too fixed on getting out, and I can't feed her out of the cage or she is too happy and won't eat. But, now she will take the syringe for a little bit, push it away hop over and grab a pellet to eat. Really? :banghead: I think she's doing that in spite...but I know she's hungry as she grabs a pellet (and she won't even accept it from my hand, SHE has to pick it up) and eats it. Should I space her feedings out more? She's almost 6 weeks and I'm feeding every 4-5 hours, there is slight variation, she weighs 168 grams.
She's gonna be something...
She's gonna be something...