Strange Bugs?

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
So my sister was going to give my chin a dust bath and she said there was a really tiny black bug in the dust, I looked and there were quite a few. I have no idea why they were there or what they were, anyone know?

I throwed it out and cleaned the container and put new dust in.

Yes I do change the dust several times and I do take out any poo, pee or other things if I am re-using it.
If they pee in it, you should dump it all and wash it anyway, but I have no idea what the bugs could be. Have you found them anywhere else? Are they in the actual dust container too?
Yes they where in the container which was covered, werid I know. Also they where on the sawsdust bag, but not inside.

So I vaccumed outside of the bag and moved everything to a different place.
are they a little black type beetle bug? Very small? I got some in my house about a year ago and they are very difficult to get rid of! Watch out for your chin food and chin cookies, too. They also go after bird food, dog biscuits, floured products...Basically all these products for me have now gone in the fridge or freezer, but I still find them. Good luck and hopefully you won't have the same problem with them that I do!
I had weevels, they were brought in with a bag of corn meal, and OMG were they hard to get rid of.

I had to take all my food in the cabinets, that was in a box, pasta etc, toss it, buy all air tight rubbermaid type containers and store all the new food. I had to bleach the cabinets repeatedly and keep everything spotless. I was also told that things that looked ok, should be kept in the freezer to kill eggs. However, I threw everything way anyway. It took a few weeks but we got on top of it, knock on wood.
I had weevels, they were brought in with a bag of corn meal, and OMG were they hard to get rid of.

I had to take all my food in the cabinets, that was in a box, pasta etc, toss it, buy all air tight rubbermaid type containers and store all the new food. I had to bleach the cabinets repeatedly and keep everything spotless. I was also told that things that looked ok, should be kept in the freezer to kill eggs. However, I threw everything way anyway. It took a few weeks but we got on top of it, knock on wood.

I bet that's what I am fighting to get rid of, Tara! I've cleaned out the cabinets with bleach repeatedly, put any floured products in the fridge because they still found a way to get inside the rubbermaid containers. Then they found new food sources...the chin's food/treats, the bird food, and the gerbils food. The bird food is the hardest to keep the bugs out of because the parakeets make such a mess. They are a nightmare!
I was told to store all the animals foods in the freezer that the fridge wasnt cold enough to kill anything. Good luck. You hcave to throw all your food away, put all the new stuff in containers, and keep it out of the cabinet for a few days until you are sure you got it all. If you have shelf liners down, take them out or make sure nothing got under them. It was really hard to get rid of them. Makes my skin crawl to think of them!
Yea, I've thrown away all the contaminated food, and store new products in the fridge or freezer, depending on what it is. They still manage to live on, though! But they were quite numerous and now I only see one occasionally, so I may be slowly winning the battle.
whoa, those bettles sound like alot of problem, but the bugs were as small as say this comma (,) thank god I saw them, phew!

yeah I've cleaned everything, I'm gonna keep on looking for em, there are not any at the moment.
I would start a short-term cleaning regimen of scrubbing everything with a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and the hottest water you can stand for the next 2 weeks, just to make sure nothing has gotten into your chin's cage. The acetic acid in the vinegar is a great disinfectant, and would probably dry out or otherwise ruin any eggs hanging around those surfaces. Frequent vacumming (Hoovering in your part of the world?) should take care of any that might show up in the carpet.
I am convinced there will be 3 things left at the end of the world: Cher, cock roaches, and Bole Weevils! :)

Thank Goodness I have only had to deal with them once and was able to get rid of them after a few treatments! Good luck with yours!
Ack, I just got the heebeejeebee's just reading this thread!
i think i know what bugs you are talking about. do they jump (i know they are not fleas).
i see them outside in the grass sometimes when im playing with my dogs. ive never seen them in my house though.
Since I absolutely LOVE Cher I hope she is there all the way til the end! She kicks the heck ouit of any performance Lady Gag Gag does anyday!
It's okay. I forgive you.

With all the bug talk lately I have been looking all over for bugs. I even went through the pantry to make sure I threw out all the old mixes and junk that I never use. I found a five year old pineapple cake mix. I would really hate to have bugs jump over from something like that to the chin feed and the dust. Yikes...