After SO much bad news lately, the economy and lots of other horrible things going on, I want to remind everyone how great the world is and how lucky we are to be alive. The amazing fish, flowers, animals, chins!, people, food, everything. Take a drive to the beach, stop and smell the roses, take a walk, go to the park with your kids. Realize what is really important, and stop stressing about the bills, even if it is just for one day. Feel lucky to be who you are and to have what you have. It can always be worse, and it really can. Anyway, just thought we needed a happy day!
I would love some happy stories if anyone had any to share, I told Melanie's Story in another thread, so that is my happy story! I also have Meatball's story posted as well, both really happy stories. Thank you!
I would love some happy stories if anyone had any to share, I told Melanie's Story in another thread, so that is my happy story! I also have Meatball's story posted as well, both really happy stories. Thank you!