Stop and smell the roses day

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After SO much bad news lately, the economy and lots of other horrible things going on, I want to remind everyone how great the world is and how lucky we are to be alive. The amazing fish, flowers, animals, chins!, people, food, everything. Take a drive to the beach, stop and smell the roses, take a walk, go to the park with your kids. Realize what is really important, and stop stressing about the bills, even if it is just for one day. Feel lucky to be who you are and to have what you have. It can always be worse, and it really can. Anyway, just thought we needed a happy day!

I would love some happy stories if anyone had any to share, I told Melanie's Story in another thread, so that is my happy story! I also have Meatball's story posted as well, both really happy stories. Thank you!
great post. I must say I dont really have a happy story but more a few happy facts.
-My kids are perfectly healthy and growing like weeds.
-My marriage is running strong and I love my hubby more everyday.
-In this finacial hardtime we are managing well and still able to do small things like take the kids to sea world this weekend.
-My son who has some mental disablities is doing well and I see him thriving and learning everyday.
- My extended family is healthy and doing well, No deaths in this family in 2 years.
-my animals are happy and healthy.
-Im 27 and own my home noone can take it from me and no monthly payments.
thanks for the reminder chantel. i am going to do something fun with my son tonight in honor of your post!
yesterday was the first day i didnt cry, so that is happy. and last night Richie was wall surfing & he actually popcorned. and even if it is only temporary, he is happy & does not seem to be in pain, which makes me happy!
I am happy to hear about Richie, that is awesome! I hope he still has lots of time with you, he is so lucky.
What a great idea. I think in the hustle and bustle of normal life, we don't take enough opportunities to just stop and take a breather.

Right now, I'm very glad that Kismet's health issues seem to be coming to an end. Her mouth healed fantastically after her oral surgery and that strange blood blister thing on her back is draining slowly and becoming smaller and less painful for her. I don't want to puncture it, so I'm icing it a few times per day and letting it drain on it's own as the dried skin on top is wiped away. Even though it likely hurts the little diva, she's been taking it like a champ. She hasn't made any motions to bite me and it seems that she knows I'm trying to help her out.

I'm also so very happy that I got the job I applied for. They called to offer it to me this morning and even though I would have taken a pay cut to work in the office, I actually get a $4000 per year raise. Not only do I get to work with an awesome group of people in an awesome office, I get a raise too!
I am just looking forward to lunch with one of my favorite people tommorow. It is always nice to have something to look forward to, Lunch with a friend, a good book, finishing a craft project. Little bits of good can get you through anything.
Love this thread!

One thing that has been bothering me a lot lately is not being able to spend much time with my dad. My mom and I work together and sometimes carpool and go out after work when our schedules match, but I haven't seen much of my dad lately except in passing. Well, last Saturday the weather was perfect and we both had the day off! We had a few errands to run in town and afterward we went and had burgers, fries, and milkshakes at one of favorite places. Then we went to the park and walked from the conservatory, through the rose garden, watched the Koi sim ih the Japanese garden, and counted turtles in the duck pond. We said hello to the silhouette man Gordon Vales (sort of a local mascot...tears awesome silhouettes with his bare hands. We've met him many times over the years.) We found a bench and sat and talked for while. It was just a fantastic day to literally smell the roses and just spend some time together.

A few things that have gone right lately:
- My dog Matty has been doing wonderfully with her conservative management treatment for her torn ligament. It looks like we may have avoided surgery!
- All the chinchillas are in good health.
- We're in the process of re-doing our living room and it looks great. We're almost done after three weekends of work.
Great stories guys, it is always the little things that matter. I wish everyone health and happiness and that we all remember how lucky we are, no matter what are situation is it always could be worse. We all have chins or hedgies, how bad can life be?
I've already told this story in chat, but I certainly won't pass up an opportunity to tell it again! Last friday one of the greatest authors alive, Jacqueline Carey, came here on her book tour. I arrived a bit early thanks to public transit, and local publication was getting set up to do an interview with her for their website (I think, I don't actually have a clear picture on who they are, but it does't matter). I asked if I could watch, instead I got to conduct the interview! With my own questions! There are not enough exclamation points in the world to convey my excitement. Even with only five minutes to prepare, which left me stumbling over words and questions, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Instead of smelling the roses, I am going to smell my freshly-signed books.