Stasis/ constipation?

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Sep 12, 2014

Yesterday I did my homework while my chinchilla was out and I realized that he stole my eraser, so I took it from him and he had taken 2-3 bites of it. So I got really worried so I cleaned his cage and then went to bed. When I woke up I was relieved to see that he was drinking, eating and popping. So I removed all poop from the shelves and then went to school worrying too much about it.

But then when I got home I only found 4 poops and he hadn't pooped since I got home from school and I'm REALLY worried. He still drinks, pees and eats, but not pooping. He Aldo acts normally.

What should I do!? Am I over reacting or under reacting? If it doesn't get better soon I will take him to the vet. There is one with good chinchilla knowledge nearby!
A little uppdate and I'm gonna try to keep it short!

He pooped during the night and they were normal! Is it normal for chins to only poop during the night, because that's the time he eats hay.

I sometimes let him out in the morning if I have time. He heard something so he stod up on his hind legs and I saw that he had poop stuck in his butt, so I dragged it. But he did not like it, so he bit me! Was it 'cause it hurt, or because he didn't like the feeling? Does that mean that he is sick? The poop looked healthy.

Btw, he is also a furbiter, but he have never had a problem with it! The breeder had to sell him because of his furbiting, but it isn't serious.

I didn't find anything on the internet so I'm very thankfull if you have an anwer to this!
When I want to look for poo production, I put the chin in the shower or bath tub with it closed and leave it for 30-45 min, the stress of the situation with move poo if poo can move or there is poo to move.