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Serving The Lord
Nov 27, 2011
Levi had been sneezing quite a bit today. While he sneezes, he makes a wheezing/squeaking noise. Should I be worried? He's still on contract so if he needs, Petco will pay for his vet bills, make the appointment, quarantine him, etc. He's acting normal except for this...
Take him in to the vet! When our little girl had a cold the vet told me to bring her in the minute she started wheezing.

Thankfully she didn't. But it could be a respiratory infection and he may need meds.
Okay, thanks for letting me know!
He has an appointment at 2:00... Hopefully it's nothing serious.
Appointment went well. He got a full exam... Temperature, weight (400 g), heart beat, etc.

Vet said he's breathing fine, and we should just watch him for a few days to make sure he doesn't do it again. Levi's acting normal today, and we just got his cuddle buddy.
Maybe what you thought was sneezing was a normal sound that chins make. There is a website (forget where) that has many different noises that chins make. Check them out and maybe you will find that sound.