sprained leg?

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Dec 15, 2013
Bellingham, WA
This morning Alfred was playing a little too hard in the bathroom, and when he went back in his cage, I noticed he wasn't walking on his back leg. We brought him to the vet, and he did x-rays, and didn't see anything so he is guessing that it is a sprain. Alfred is now supposed to take 15 cc of metacam every 12 hours and isn't allowed to come out and play for 2 weeks.

However, Alfred seems perfectly fine, now 8 hours after his vet visit. I was just wondering, is the metecam really that strong and he just doesn't feel any pain because of it? Or is he just a big expensive wimp and is actually fine after a little rest? I feel so bad for not being able to let him out. He is the worst when it comes to begging.
It's possible the metacam is making him feel better enough to use his leg normally. I would edge on the side of caution and follow the vet's orders. You don't want to let him out just because you feel bad and have him overdo it again, further injuring his leg. He may make you feel bad and be mad for awhile but he will get over it.