sprained ankle?

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Jan 31, 2009
Holbrook, MA
I think my ankle is sprained and it's freaking me out! Times like these I hate living away from my mommy :p

I rolled it in a hole while trying to practice softball and wearing cleats.. Heard something snap and it hurt. It's bruised a little bit but mostly I notice the baseball sized lump on the outside bottom of the ankle.. And it doesn't like to turn that way. I can rotate it left find, I can rotate it right if I really try, but it hurts!

Should I get an ace bandage and wrap it up? I've been putting ice on it for 10 minutes about every hour, but the ice is making me cold :p I'd have to put on clothes, get in the car and drive to the walgreens to get an ace bandage :(

I want my mommy
Yeah, I would get an xray too. Fracured a little bone in my hand, no swelling, just pain. Ignored it for a week, went to the walk in, they sent me to Specialist, and ultimately took an MRI to see it was like that because it had started to heal. 6 weeks in a brace, 4 weeks in a cast and another week in brace to fix it. Go now before it gets worse.
I would think if you didn't walk on it, and could stand the pain you would be ok, just don't give it time to heal.
My son fell on his arm and hurt his wrist. He didn't cry but you could tell it was hurting him. I put some ice on it and I decided to have him sleep through the night and see how it felt in the morning. I was hoping it was just a sprain. It still hurt the next day and he was really favoring it so I took him to the doctor for x-rays which did indeed show that his wrist was broken. So my point is, it doesn't hurt to get x-rays done to be on the safe side. Try to stay off your foot as much as possible until you have it looked at.
Ok, so for the stupid question portion of this..

where do I go for x-rays? I don't have a primary care physician (tried to find one and ended up at some pregnancy clinic, it was awkward, because i'm not pregnant...)... the hospital confuses me and sounds really scary..?
The Urgent Care places are cheaper but if you don't have insurance you will likely have to pay up front. The hospital costs more but will bill you and probably will give a cash discount. Not all urgent care places are open 24/7 so call ahead. You might as well get looked at tonight, you won't feel any better tommarow if you have all that swelling. If money is tight and you have no insurance you can usually find crutches and a foot imolbilizer cheap at a thrift store but check the boot, they look the same but do indeed come in Right and Left models.
Also remember Urgent Cares don't know everything, and hospitals and specialists usually have better equipment. And some Dr's will also give a discount for no ins.