
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
Pottstown, PA
I have Ruby with her two 7 week old kits in a FN 141 and the kits keep climbing to the very top of the cage and jumping down/wall surfing. I'm afraid one of them is going to land wrong and break a leg! Is there anything I can do to stop them from doing this?? Are they old enough to have ledges yet or even putting the add-on level for them? They're starting to look cramped in the little one level. Any suggestions??
If they are climbing all the way to the top then yes you can get some ledges in there as it's safer for them. I would put them low and close together until they get older though.
Thanks Laurie I put 3 ledges in for them and they're much happier now. The kits are popcorning all over the place!