Soon to be owner, cage dilema!

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Mummy to 3 mad chinnies!
Jan 30, 2011
North Wales, UK
I've ordered this cage but I really need some advice on it. I'm planning on taking some of the platforms out and putting wooden ones instead. But I need some advice on what to do on the bottom, since I can't really put fleese down...
I'll only be having one chinny so I hope this cage is okay :)

You would need to remove the wire bottom. It looks like a drop-in pan so you should be able to clip off the wire bottom and then fill the pan with bedding. Definitely do not keep the wire bottom as it can cause injuries to your chin. Obviously you'd need to clip off the other wire levels and the ramps as well. Then, either make or purchase wood shelving and it will be 100% chin-ready :) Good luck!
I think the wire is fine. It appears to be 1/2"x 1/2" squares that should not allow for feet to slip between the bars and get caught. Put in ledges and tiles (either ceramic or granite).

The wire floors will prevent the chin from throwing bedding everywhere. I prefer them to solid bottom pans in my cages. I have used them for the last 13 years and haven't had any problems with the chins. The only time that it seems people have issues are when the shelves are not attached to the cage very well and have gaps or the wire spacing is too large. Provide some places for the chin to get up off the wire (if it wants to get off of it) and the cage should be just fine.

I hear people say that the wire causes injuries and I haven't seen that at all in my herd. Their paw pads are fine and I never see foot infections except in rescues that come in. You will need to keep the cage clean as you would with any type of cage to prevent any problems.
I think you could still put fleece down if you wanted. You'd just need to attach it with clips (which a lot of people do). If you don't want to use fleece then, I'd probably use tile since that keeps them cooler as well.
Thanks for the help! I was thinking that about the wire too...
having a few wooden ledges put in and a cool stone + some bedding up and down should give him enough choice of places to stand/lie I think?
Maybe it depends on the chin but when I was growing up I had one who was sensitive to wire flooring and it caused her feet to crack and bleed (obviously I never again used a cage with wire flooring) and the spacing was the same as on this cage. I just don't think wire flooring is the best but perhaps some chins are okay with it. I now have a QC mansion with wood shelving and some fleece items and that seems to be the best set up. It would be super easy to remove the wire from the cage you pictured, but maybe it's best to just see how your chin does with it. Congrats on your new addition!