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Mar 15, 2015
Ok I'm Jackie. I have a standard male chin(Max) who is about a year and a half old. The past four days he has been lethargic, first two days i thought probably the heat because the past few has been the first time it's gotten in the 80's out this year. Last night I realized something was quite wrong. I have a lot experience with rabbits but he is my first chin. Currently i have no way to get him to the vet.

His symptoms:
*Lost weight
*doesn't run when i try to get him out of his cage
*Very small poop
*Little appetite

Symptoms he does NOT have
*runny nose
*hard abdomen
*change in fur

He hasn't had a food change or been out of water at all and had plenty of hay. He ate a few raisins and most of an almond, tried giving him dandelion heads and wasn't interested. I have wild chamomile at my house should i give him some? What liquids should i give him, bottled water, water with electrolytes, i heard pineapple juice and papaya juice?

Please help Max and I. I can't loss my little Wild Thing
He needs to go to the vet. That's all anybody can tell you. Take him to a vet. He's got too many things going on to even try to guess.
Once chins reach that stage they really do not have much chance of coming back around without medical intervention. As tunes said, you need to get him to the vet and as soon as possible otherwise his chances are not good.