Some people.

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Aurora, Colorado
Lat night, a young man adopted a sweet little male rescue that I had. This chin is so easy to handle and loves being held. He has never tried to bite anyone here. The guy handled him here and held him for a while before adopting him. This morning I get a call from him. Apparently, the chinchilla bit him this morning. Now he feels that I should refund half of his money. I offered to give him a full refund, but that wouldn't do. He says he wants to keep the chin. I told him that if he keeps the chinchilla, he does not get a refund at all. If he brings the chinchilla back, I will give him a full refund. I also told him what to do to teach the chinchilla not to bite. Also, during the call this morning, he happened to mention that he had talked to another breeder that was selling kits for less than I charged for the adoption. Somehow, I feel that he is just trying to get me to price match. What am I, Walmart? If price is all that matters to him, then I would prefer he brings the chinchilla back for a full refund. I have left that option open for him if the chinchilla continues to bite.
*shakes head* That's ridiculous. If the chinchilla is even biting, to me, that wouldn't be any reason to give a refund or even a partial refund. I've had chins that don't bite that have been adopted out into new homes that apparently get them a bit on edge, and so they may bite until they get used to the person, or until the person makes it known that the biting won't be tolerated.

I think you're right, that he's just trying to get you to price match. To me -- if money is all that he's concerned about, I'd personally rather that that person not even have a chin, cause then I'd worry what happens if the chin needs vet care. Is he going to tell the vet that the vet charges too much and try to find the cheapest vet out there that'll treat the chin for $5?

I hate people like this...
Nice try! Geez. He thinks the chin is defective because it bit him the day after he adopted him. Duh...the chin needs to calm down and settle probably was his fault that he was bitten because the chin needed to be left alone. If he still wants the chin, he doesn't get a refund...the chin isn't defective or sick or anything...
I would give him a full refund if he returns the chin back within 2 weeks. He might bring him back after a month unhealthy for a full refund.
That is funny, I have been bitten by chinchillas, and I thought it was funny. This is true that they are adjusting to there new environment, and it could be just that. With time and age they usually mellow out, as most of you already know!!! It was nice of you to offer a refund, but partial is just ridiculous. He needs to do more homework and learn what his chinnie is trying to communicate to him!
Some people are just jerks. The poor baby is in a new home of course he would be scared. Try buying a new puppy, if the puppy pees on the floor you don't see people asking for refunds. What a jerk. Hope he brings the chin back healthy if he does decide to return.
In my opinion, if you really like a certain animal, you don't care about the price.
So a half refund is just ridiculous...

Ask that guy if he buys a new car and slams his fingers in between the doors if he calls the garage to ask for a refund aswell?
he happened to mention that he had talked to another breeder that was selling kits for less than I charged for the adoption. Somehow, I feel that he is just trying to get me to price match.
Wow. If he contacts you again I'd call him out on this.
Doesn't dealing with people like that make you appreciate animal companionship all the more..? At least it does for me. I tell my son's dad all the time I'd rather shovel the animal's crap than his any :rofl:
Wow that is crazy and if biting is a then I have a defective one that I love very She is just a rough groomer though and she tends to think of me as her cage But sounds like he is wanting you to price match. But with him acting like that after just adopting the chin I would honestly worry about the kind of care that baby might get. Is he gonna buy cheap food and such too and not buy proper toys for him to play with since he is worried about trying to save a few bucks on an adoption. I have looked at a few breeder sites and I can't imagine that they would be too much cheaper than a rescue. I think rescues have really good prices on the chins.
Aww. Sorry you have to deal with this. It just sounds like he is trying to price match as you say. That's really sad. He probably didn't even let the little one settle in and probably brought it on himself. Hopefully he gets over it and realizes adoption means a lifetime commitment.
GEZZZ!!! Why are some people blessed to even be able to touch an animal? That is the number one reason why I have never been able to allow any animal that I have been blessed to have in my life to keep the ability to breed! I have the personal curse of not being able to find responsible homes for any animal that I have tried to adopt out.I've taken in orphans,and even rescued guinea pig babies from what was supposed to have been a rescuer herself(went to pick up two baby females from her since she was "overwhelmed" only to find the poor babies had lice and ringworm that she was "treating with smearing them with vaseline because that kills the worms".OMG that's how I ended up taking all three females with me and placing a call to humane society to report the situation after I left her address).Got them all healthy fat and sassy but I felt like they deserved more attention and spoiling than they were getting as multipet family so I put out adoption info for them.After turning down folks that pretty much wanted free food for their pet snakes,replacement animal for one that their child accidentally killed(to which I will say I only hold the irresponsible parents/adult at fault), and the last one who wanted to let them live "free range" in her backyard-I realized that I had to keep them.Yes they now live in the spare horse stall at my barn in a homemade cage but they have lots of popcorning room,good food,hay,water,fresh veggies every night and healthcare when needed definitely not the Taj Mahal,but considering options they came out great!But lesson drove home to me that I could never sell or place any animal so I could never breed anything. That said I want to graciously thank all of the responsible breeders out there who do take on the challenge.A responsible breeder has a heart that is just as golden and precious as anyone who rescues.
I am hoping that he decides to return the little guy. I am so worried about the care he is giving to it. That little chin is so sweet. He doesn't deserve to own it. I plan on emailing the guy today to see how things are going. My husband asked me a question yesterday that just stopped me in my tracks and made me sick. He asked "Don't you wonder what he did to the chinchilla when it bit him?" He followed that with "Maybe that is why he doesn't want to return it."
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My husband asked me a question yesterday that just stopped me in my tracks and made me sick. He asked "Don't you wonder what he did to the chinchilla when it bit him?" He followed that with "Maybe that is why he doesn't want to return it."

omg, that makes me feel sick inside too.

aha! now i know this is a bit of a white lie, but you could tell the guy you have been notified of a genetic defect in this chins bloodlines that is likely to cause health issues, and you don't feel it fair that this guy should have to worry about it or pay vet care for it and you will take the chin back. then the guy is free to go bargain shop wherever he pleases, as long as he leaves you well enough alone after returning your sweet lil chin, eh?

i know, i know, lying is not right, but saying to the guy 'i changed my mind, you can't have this chin' probably wouldn't fly too well.......
It's tempting, but I had already told him that the chin was a rescue and we don't even know who his previous owner was. I emailed him last night reminding him that if the chinchilla is still biting that he can bring him back. I also offered to help with any questions he may have about caring ofr the little guy.
I am so glad you offered a full refund. If that person doesn't have enough patience for a few days,then they do not deserve a chInchIllaI! It Is a shame that It was not returned so that poor baby could get a better home wIth someone wIth more patience, a chin is a living being not just an appliance or something! Chins take a lot of time and patience,I just wish more people understood that!
And was it a "bite" or a love nibble? I know both of mine lick me and then give me a love nibble, just barely grab my hand/finger. Any way he sounds like he needs a bite! Lol
Like all my 4girls said..mine will chew or bite on my fingernails or calluses hard , but not on my regular skin..I wonder how they know the difference. They will bite my fingernails hard..but never bite my real skin but just nibble...weird how they know they difference.