So confused by this behavior

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Aug 4, 2010
Brighton, MA
So my female chin Sadie just did the strangest thing. She is usually very sociable and loves her out of cage has been a few days since I let her out, but when I let her out just now, she sprinted out of the cage and took cover behind a large piece of furniture I have in the room. That didn't seem too strange, but then she stayed there for several minutes, and began barking for several minutes. She didn't come out until I actually moved the furniture, and then she sprinted across the room to hide under the ottoman in the room. I waited and watched as she inched her nose out, then darted back under, about 10 times. I coaxed her out with an oat, but she hid again immediately after. So I left her alone for awhile, but she just stayed there barking occasionally. When she finally came out, she was running around frantically, darting at the slightest sound and wouldn't even go in her dust bath. I tried to be very still and not scare her but it didn't matter.

Why on earth would she randomly be acting like this? It was like it was the first time I'd ever let her out of her cage/her first day living with me. Nothing in her surroundings has changed. Should I be worried?
She could be having a bad day. I'd be concerned if this behavior continues and is markedly different from her usual behavior. Perhaps the span of time in the confines of her cage has set her off.
Is she otherwise showing healthy chin signs?
likely there was something outside you couldn't hear, like a cat or other preditor. I wouldn't worry
Yeah it's been a few days and she seems no different. Really freaked me out though! We do have alley cats...