Snuggly chin?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I was wondering if anyone had a chinchilla who liked to cuddle/ sleep on you. My boys Terrance and Phillip will have none of it. They give me trouble when I check for hair rings! Mira is jumpy as well, and so are the male kits. Her daughter, Marika, does not try to run away from me when I hold her. She isn't supper snuggly, but does like to cuddle. Her favorite spot is between my ****s ><. She fell asleep on me last night while I was holding her. Is this something babies do? Is it possible she will outgrow it? I like the idea of having at least one chin who likes to Snuggle ;)
Some tolerate being held and others will never like to be held. But being consistant gets them used to it.
There are two times my chin is snugly 1- if she smells a snack I am eating if she is in the room playing....then I have to fend her off because she cant have any lol...2- when I walk by her cage and she wants out she will jump into my arms and snuggle for 30 seconds until she decides she wants down for playtime !!BUT I am so cheated because she does these things with my husband who does not even pick her up she will perch right on his hand and just sit there or snuggle I am so jealous and he does not do anything for chinny Im her momma !
Occasionally, I have fallen asleep without putting Miles back in his cage. On more than a few occasions, I've woken up to him snuggled in my arms or next to my side. As soon as I wake up he's off like a rocket to play. what a jerk ;)
I've had one who was a serious cuddler. He wasn't right away. He also was given to me from another family and older. As he got comfortable and handles regularly he was super chill and content. Everyone else has been friendly from one extent to another but nothing like him.
Occasionally, I have fallen asleep without putting Miles back in his cage. On more than a few occasions, I've woken up to him snuggled in my arms or next to my side. As soon as I wake up he's off like a rocket to play. what a jerk ;)

I've woken up to a chinchilla standing on my face before LOL.
when i had my first male chin, he was alone. Even after bonding he HATES to be picked up. But when he would be out to play, and i would lay down out their with him, He would sometimes come over for a scratch and just stay their. And eventually lay down and nearly fall asleep laying on me.

Of course, ever since he met his woman and kids, he never did it again'
Occasionally, I have fallen asleep without putting Miles back in his cage. On more than a few occasions, I've woken up to him snuggled in my arms or next to my side. As soon as I wake up he's off like a rocket to play. what a jerk ;)

Aww this is so cuteeeee!