Snuffly chin :(

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New member
Nov 17, 2015

I'm new to the forum and ws wondering if anyone can help my with my chinchillas problem. I have 2 chinnies, 4 years old sisters.

One of them has started making a noise that I can only be described as being like, breathing with a lot of mucus. As though she is aving difficulty getting air in her lungs. (This has been goin on about a week.)
However, she doesn't do this all of the time. Her nose is also clear of discharge, her eyes bright. She is active and playfull, eating and drinking fine. She seems to be in no discomfort, acting like her happy usual self but with this odd pained noise.

It's worth noting her sister is exhibiting nothing unusual.

Any idea what this could be?
I would make a vet visit sooner than later, URIs are not something that can be diagnosed over the net and since they are often fatal better safe than sorry.