I wash my water bottles nightly and give them only bottled water that I drink. I have a couple of plastic ones and for some reason, even though I wash them on a reg basis, they stink every night before I wash them. I have no idea why bc the water only sits in there for about 24 hours at a time. I've tried boiling them and one crinkled lol but its still usable. This baffles my bf and I and he thought I should ask why this is on CNH! Does anyone have this prob and know whats causing it? I have mostly glass bottles but one of my chins acts like the water won't come out and only will use the plastic. I've put my finger on the nozzle and it comes out so I don't know the problem. Grr for water bottles! So much trouble with these things! Someone needs to engineer a perfect one and let us know! Lol!
Have a great day, all!
Have a great day, all!