Sleeping too much/new sound

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Nov 17, 2012
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
We got our girl about 3 weeks ago. She has been doing a wonderful job of bonding with us and we're continually learning how to give her the absolute best care -- that being the case, I have a couple of questions/concerns.

We've been trying to keep routine with her, and usually take her out for play around 7:30pm. She is very lively, and loves to bounce all over the place when we take her out for play time. Lately she seems to snack a bit when she's returned to her cage, and then usually naps for a while afterwards. Is this normal behavior?

She also doesn't really wake up until some time between 6pm and 8pm. She's approximately 4 months old, I was wondering if it's normal for her to sleep a bit more or should we be concerned at all?

I find her lying on her side sometimes too, but only every once in a while. When I do find her doing it, it's usually when she's sleeping or getting sleepy.

Alright! One last question, I promise. :)

Just started happening the past few days, but when she's out for play she makes a funny sound. Like teeth grinding/chittering. She also does it when I give her pets (especially head pets), but she leans into it so I assume it's not a negative thing?

Thanks once again everyone for all your answers! It's been VERY helpful in aiding me and my hubby to give our chin the care she deserves.
Hello! Yes it sounds like perfect behavior actually. I have two boys that I have had since they were weaned. My boys still sleep quite a bit they are 8 months now. They will be active at dusk then sleep for awhile then wake up about 9 p.m and that's usually when I get them out for play time, then after they dust bathe I see them taking another nap. Lol. And yes one of my boys every time after out of the cage play, he's laying on his side, so cute I think. He's just worn out. :). As far as the teeth chattering, im not sure about that. Never heard mine do that but doesn't mean its not normal, every chin has a different personalty. But I would get to the bottom of the teeth chattering, I would be curious too. Enjoy your new baby, they are wonderful creatures. :heart4:
Young chins do sleep a lot. However, your little one is young enough that you should be limiting her playtime to no more than 15 minutes. She could be wearing herself out. Young chins can get stupid and play too hard for too long a time.

As far as sleeping on her side goes, a chinchilla will sleep that way if they feel safe where they are at.

Is it teeth chattering or possibly another sound like grunting or squeaking? Since she is doing it when she appears to be happy, I am thinking that she is just expressing her pleasure at what is going on. Teeth grinding is a sign of annoyance or pain and it just doesn't sound like that is the case. many chins will make what I call monkey noises when they are happy.
My young guy makes a sort of teeth chattering noise too. It's not when he's upset, I see it more when he's in a chewy mood, especially during play time when I have to stop him from chewing on things he thinks will be delicious, like walls haha.
If she doesn't seem upset, I wouldn't worry about it! I thought someone had said they just do it as part of teeth wearing...
Thanks all! I'm happy to hear that her behavior sounds normal! I guess the noise will remain an enigma until we have her personality even more figured out? She only does it during play time and when she's awake and excited, so I'll chalk it up to just that for now. ^_^

Again, I greatly appreciate you all taking the time to answer my questions!