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Sep 3, 2011
San Francisco
My Chinchilla is really small. The people I bought her from say she is 3 months, but she is about 6 in long on average (hard to tell because she sits and stretches to vastly different lengths). She is so light you barely notice her. Is this normal size for a 3 month old? She is a grey. I am worried that she is unhealthily small, and what can I do to fix this?

Also, how do you tell when ur chin has diarrhea. I mean, her poo pellet squish when I squeeze them, but when I first got her they were like little bullets. I am a new owner and don't know the proper feel and I want to make sure she is as healthy as possible.
if she is really three months, she may just be a bit small for her age, just make sure she has plenty of food and hay in the cage so she can bulk up. as far as the poo goes, does it look wet? or waxy? if so try giving her a piece of shredded wheat, if you dont have any, burn a piece of toast (until it is completely black) and give her about a quarter of it. this should help.
Chinchillas come in different sizes. Your little one is still a baby at 3 months so she should be small. do you have a scale that weighs in grams so you could weigh her? If you don't it might be a good idea to get one and weigh her once a week to keep track of her weight. Weight loss is often the first sign you will get if your chinchilla is ill.

Diarrhea in a chin is poo that is sticky and easily smashed and can be smeared. Sometimes it will also mucus and a smell. Most normal poop is a little bit soft if it is new. Once it has had a few minutes to dry, it will become harder. If it stays soft, then you need to treat her for diarrhea.

Just a note, if the poop has mucus and a smell or is smearing when the chinchilla walks on it, you should take the chinchilla to the vet to be tested for parasites.
Get a gram scale and weigh her, size and weight are two different things. A 3 month old should be around 300g, give or take. If she is less than 200, she should not have left the breeder's.

Did you change the food she was eating? Food switches often cause soft stool.
yes, it will danilinn. nervousness in a new environment could cause a chin to not want to eat, and no eating means no pooping.
give your new girl the first week by herself to settle in. other than giving fresh hay/pellets/water, and cleaning the cage as little as needed, just leave her be to get used to all the new sounds, smells and sights of her new home.

i haven't come across any info that talks about a chin being too nervous for so long that it affected them health-wise, but hopefully more experienced members will chime in on that one.