single chin needs a buddy?

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Active member
Aug 6, 2012
I was wondering, i have a male chin who didnt get along with one of my other males so he is by himself in a cage, do you think its a good/bad idea to introduce him with another buddy (male)?
I would say that it depends on what you mean when you say they did not get along. Did they fight as in biting and blood? If so, your single chin would probably be happiest without a buddy. I have one male chin that did not bond well with some of my others and he lives in a cage alone. I've noticed over the time that I've had him that he seems to like his space.

I suppose you could try to introduce him to another male chin, but if he has aggressive tendencies (like mine did, he was a biter) then I would not recommend it. Some chins just like to live alone and that's ok. If you are worried about him being bummed out living alone, just give him some extra love and attention and he'll perk up :thumbsup:

I've also heard (not sure of how accurate this is, someone else might know for sure) that age can play a role in chins bonding. Supposedly its best to get your chins introduced before they are a year old before they get too set in their ways.
I agree with the above. Some chins simply don't get along, but there are degrees. If this male of yours was kacking and going after and biting the other chins he was put with, then I'd say no, don't try to get him to get along with others. If it was the other chins that didn't like him, then I might give it a shot. If at any point he drew blood from another chin, then for me, we'd never put that chin in with another chin.

As for age playing a role in chin bonding -- I can say that the younger you try to introduce, typically the easier it is. That said, I've had a 9 week old kit decide to chase around my adults when intro'd to them. Needless to say, he became an only-chin. With that said, one of the latest pairs we adopted out were two 8 year old chinchillas. One chin had been a breeder of ours and had been caged with other chins before, the other chin never had a buddy in her entire 8 years. The two of them got along fine and absolutely adore each other. So I think it depends more on the personality of the chins than specifically on age.