Sick tummy

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Jan 19, 2012
Hi all,
So one of the reasons that I joined the forum is because my chin had a small bought of diarrhea the night before last. This is the first time she's experienced this, and it only lasted one night. Her little poops have firmed up, but they're smaller than they should be. She doesn't get any fresh veg for fear that it will upset her tummy or get bloat, but I must admit, she does get more raisins than she should. :s Has anyone else experienced this with their Chinny? Would sugar upset her tummy like this? I don't want to stress her out by taking her to the vet if at all possible.
I'd definitely cut out the raisins entirely and instead give a small pinch of organic rolled oats (not the quick cooking ones) for a treat and go from there. I've had some chins with mushy poo before but that was mainly when I first got them and was switching from a poor quality pellet to a much better one. Have you changed feed lately?
Chinchillas don't need fresh vegetables or fruit from what I have read on here, so no need to even worry about not giving that. What are you feeding her, brand name?

They don't really need raisins either and maybe one chin safe treat a day.
She's been on Oxbow pellets since she was a baby, and gets Oxbow hay as well. Nothing has really changed, except for the passing of her Guinea Pig husband about a week and a half ago. They were housed near each other for years... I'm not sure if she can sense a loss and is possibly stressed by his absence? The Guinea Pig was in perfect health, aside from his cancer, so I don't think she would have caught anything from him.
Raisins can and do upset their digestive systems. They have way too much sugar. Stop feeding raisins and any other fruit or veggies. Treats should be given only once or twice a week at the most. Safe treats include rolled oats (the slow cooking kind), a plain Cheerio, 1/2 an unsweetened shredded wheat, and rose hips.
it has to be the raisins. i used to include these in my chin's diet but they weren't very well received by his digestive system!