sick...of being sick...

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Gizmo's roommate
Jun 3, 2009
ugh! just wanted to vent about how frustrated i am that im sick. what i thought were allergies yesterday have manifested into a upper respiratory infections. funny story too though, i went to the dr yesterday for a uti, was checked out and everything was good otherwise. this morning i wake up (at 4 am) and am uable to breathe.

THEN! i had to get on a plane to phoenix for my sisters graduation (yay!). upon arrival, my parents notice im sick and decide to take me to a local clinic to get checked out. got some meds, on an antibiotic and a stroid to help my lungs open up (i sound like darth vader). its just frustrating because i cant afford to be sick. i have school, internship applications, and a chinnie to tend to. thankfully im away for the weekend to make sure i dont infect him, but being sick is no fun. im not even in the mood to mope around, i just want it out! :impatient:

hopefully the amoxicillin pulls through for me (it did a month ago when i had strep). im just all sorts of broken...BUT a least its not swine!
Oh, that's too bad. I flew on a plane one time when I was sick and my ears couldn't adjust to the changing cabin pressure. I blew out both my eardrums.....The pain was horrible and I was mostly deaf for days/weeks. I saw an ear doc in San Diego where we were and he said to wear those foam earplugs on the way back. It really helped, maybe you should try that so that doesn't happen to you. Get better soon
I have some unknown sickness that causes my chest to be on fire, my throat raw, I'm coughing like a mad man, and I have extreme body aches..blah!

Hope you get feeling better.
I hear ya! I'm sick over here too! Got a nasty cough, and it's felt like someone has been sitting on my neck/chest for the last couple days, and today I wake up with a horrible pounding headache, the only time my head doesn't hurt is when I'm sleeping, but of course, it probably does hurt but I just don't know it because I'm well...sleeping! LOL! I've been sleeping a ton the last couple days, trying to sleep it off, I slept for 12 hours last night, woke up at 6 a.m., went back to bed at 8:00a.m. and slept until 11:30 a.m. and now it's 1:30 and I'm tired again, and ready to go back to bed. And to top it all off, I have a runny nose, the light is killing my eyes, noise is hurting my head, and I have a fever of 101.2, and I'm so hot I'm cold. I'm sweating to death, but I'm freezing! And I have to work tonight! Heres to hoping all of us get better soon!
I saw an ear doc in San Diego where we were and he said to wear those foam earplugs on the way back. It really helped, maybe you should try that so that doesn't happen to you. Get better soon

i think that sounds like a good idea. on the plane ride here, the only way to get my ears to pop was by blowing my nose. it hurt, but granted i can still hear. i'll def look into those!

stace, i hate to say this but it sounds like it could be the flu. not swine flu though (since youre not nauseous), but the regular flu. but i def hope you feel better soon!

animalsR4me, you definitely dont sound good either. and ummm...skip work! youre way too sick to go in! tell them i say so! plus im sure they'll understand, everyone is fearful this year about getting swine flu so they should let you stay home.

i hope we all get better real NOW!
I have to work at the new facility tonight, insted of my normal facility, I don't even know how to call into work over there! LOL! Plus, we have this policy, that if you call in on a weekend, your mandated to work the next weekend on whatever shift they need you on. Which would mean I would have saturday and sunday off(cuz im sure I'll be still sick tomorrow) monday and tuesday because those are my normal days off, and then I'll work wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday(whatever shift they choose, I usually work 3rd shift, so knowing my luck, they'll make me work saturday and sunday on 1st shift or something) monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday and sunday again. 12 days in a row really just doesn't sound that fun to me lol. Just mask and glove up, and if I get there and have a fever, I'll make them send me home. They won't let me come home unless I have a fever above 99.0, so hopefully I still do! LOL! God I LOVE my job when it comes to our sick policy! Can you detect the sarcasm!?