Sick chinchilla

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New member
Apr 16, 2012

I have basically just signed up because im panicking. My 10 year old chinchilla, was showing classic symptoms of tooth problems. She has runny eyes, wet under the chin, doen't not want to eat and generally looks depressed.

She's been up to the vet for x-rays, nothing wrong all her teeth are fine. She now has metacam and baytril and I have to weigh her to she if shes eating anything.

I have been speaking to my partner because he picked her up from the vets and he said that the vet said there was gas in her stomach, but not to worry.

Any advise because I have never seen her like this, I have listened to her tummy but there is no noise. Shes hunched up in her wooden house.
Her sister has been boofing her and trying to get a reaction - but no luck.

Please any help is much appriciated, any opinions anything.

Is this vet very well versed in chinchilla care and teeth? I'm not sure why he'd put her on baytril without a diagnosis.

If she's not eating, you've got to start handfeeding. Poor thing. If she's got gas in her tummy and is this bad off, she may very well be in stasis. Is she pooping?
If she is not eating, Baytril would be the last thing I would give her, especially if he feels she might bloat. I also agree that he shouldn't just slap her on it without a reason, though I've seen many vets do that due to lack of experience with chins.

Find a vet that will do x-rays for you to find out whether or not the issue is her teeth. They can also x-ray to find out if she has bloat/stasis/blockage.

You need to find a better vet ASAP because it sounds as though she is in a very bad way. In the meantime, as Laura said, start hand feeding her. Whether it's teeth or her tummy, hand feeding will only be of benefit.
Like other posters said, I would definitely see if she is pooping. If not, that is very bad and you'll have to force feed her by hand.

The best product to get is Critical Care. Mix it up, put it in a 10mL syringe, burrito wrap her, and slowly inject it into her mouth behind her front teeth from the side.

If you can't get ahold of Critical Care ASAP, in the meantime you can mix pellets with safe water (not tap water) and canned pumpkin to help bind it all together.
right, I have been syringing her with the cc and now shes taking a whole pouch nearly everyday.

Shes gaining some weight, was 530g and went down to 500g and now we are at 510g. Im not sure how good this is but im sure its not bad.

I can't get her to eat anything for herself, it has been a few days now. She will take the food from me and then drop it.

There is poo. but its not very big, she is still in the cage but will run around once out.

Shes also on some mediction to get her gut moving now.

Im concerned about the x-ray as her teeth were perfect apart from one. Suspected start of an abcess. Not removable as yet because of the problems the gap would leave.
If this tooth is the reason shes not going to eat till its gone and once its gone its only going to cause more dental ops and pain for her. I hate seeing her suffer so much.
My vets specialise in small animals and I wouldn't go anywhere else, but they are sometimes hard to diagnose.

Please send good vibes to my little charly.