Showing off my reptilian side...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Sometimes I love too much
Feb 1, 2009
Our families joke that we're starting our own zoo, but my husband and I love our menagerie. You've seen our chins, so I figured I would show you all our pair of veiled chameleons (chameleo calyptratus).

Seamus is our male. He was rescued from CL and a woman who didn't know what she was doing (she bought him and a female to breed them, and when the female died, she didn't want him anymore). He's not the nicest of creatures (males typically aren't). He's over a year old and has gained so much weight.
Pet Pics 015.jpg

Shannon is our female. She is much smaller than Seamus, and we purchased her from a reptile show. She has much brighter coloring and a much nicer personality.
Pet Pics 018.jpg

We plan on breeding these two at some point, but we have a lot left to learn about them and we have to prepare. We are not breeding for profit; we are just interested in chameleon husbandry. If we get some babies, I'll be sure to post in the 'other pets' classified section! :)
Very pretty. I always thought chamelions are neat... but I already have enough of a zoo as it is.... for now, haha!