Should I take any precaution now (cat intrusion)

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Wheel Cleaner X2
Jan 29, 2009
Laval, Canada
It's kinda of a long story, sorry in advance.

I live in a semi basement. I opened my windows today to let fresh air in since it was warm outside. My room is the only window that doesn't have a screen but it was only slightly open. The dam neighbour cat got in my appartment. He pooped on my clean towel (smell horible now). I'm also really alergic to cat and my eye hurts. I'm so angry.

The cat could have killed my hedgehog since she doesn't have a lid on her cage. Also, I wonder, could that cat have given ring worm to Boing? I'm not sure the cat went in his room but who knows and who know what desiese this cat carry. Shouls I give Tinactin bacth, just in case. thanks
Do you know that the cat has ringworm?

I'd hold off on the bath right now, get some Blu Kote (not sure if they have that in Canada?) just in case - that works much better IMO. Unless the cat had direct or very close contact, I wouldn't worry too much. Just watch for excessive scratching and spots on him.
I don't know if that cat has ringworm, but he wonders about everywhere outside. I'm a bit preventive because Boing came with us with a bad case of ringworm (probably cause by the cat that was in the same house) and I don't want this to repeat. I really don't know if they had contact or not, I didn't even know how long the friking cat was there. I'm so happy I didn't leave the house with that cat in... I don't want to think what damage he could have done..or kill Litchi!
As a future prevention, I'd be getting one of those expandable screens, and make sure it's inserted into the widest part of the jamb, closing the window on top. I believe they're available in different heights, too.
Well my landloard was suposed to fix it for me and never did. Anyway, I open the window indirect (one left and one right) and I'm leaving this appartment soon (yay!)