should I supplement???

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Jan 26, 2012
So my female gave birth to 4 kits (accidental breedback). They weigh 49g, 48g, 47g and the runt is 44g. They are very aggressive toward each other and I know that is normal for them but they seem a but more aggressive than usual.
Because it was a breedback(I know that shouldn't happen really wasn't done on purpose) I am just worried that mum might not have enough milk and because it is a big litter I'm worried that they may take a lot out of mum and the runt is very small not just in weight but in size too.

What sou you think?
I would first try rotating them out and see if they start gaining weight that way. You can also provide them with some JAGS supplement. I wouldn't hand supplement them yet though because the less they try to nurse from her, the less likely her milk will come in.
When were they born? It can tae up to a week to get full milk production. If they are fighting I would start with rotating kits. I only supliment if they loos weight or don't start gaining by day 3 or 4 .
Thank you so much for the reply!! Since I separated them from the dad he just wants to bite them so I can't put some of them in with him to rotate the babies.
But to my surprise I just saw that my other female had 1 baby as well so,I put the two females together with all the babies and they are fine with each others babies drinking on any one so I think they will be fine cause if they don't get enough from one they can get more from the other mum. I will just keep a close eye and make sure they all get enough!
Thanx again.
You are pretty lucky that the two females did not try to kill each other or the babies. You should never put two females that don't live in the same cage and just had kits together. Normally, they will defend their kits from the female they do not know.
Sonja, keep a very close eye on the two mothers and kits. This doesn't mean that the mothers won't fight, with all of the kits in with them they are risk too! But from your prior posts you know this already. Frankly, im confused as to why you keep having litters. Regardless of this being an accident you have another female that has a baby. That means you have at least three females or you've back bred your two sisters together with your male.
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Thank you so much for the reply!! Since I separated them from the dad he just wants to bite them so I can't put some of them in with him to rotate the babies.
But to my surprise I just saw that my other female had 1 baby as well so,I put the two females together with all the babies and they are fine with each others babies drinking on any one so I think they will be fine cause if they don't get enough from one they can get more from the other mum. I will just keep a close eye and make sure they all get enough!
Thanx again.

This was not smart. I would not do this again and there is still potential for a very bad outcome here. I would separate them. They could turn on each other in an instant. Perhaps you have confused the idea of fostering kits? In a fostering situation you completely remove the kits from one mom and place them with the foster mother - you do not merge the females and litters.

I realize you said this wasnt planned as stated in your posts - I would wait at least 6mo until you reintroduced a male to the breedback female with quads for her health, assuming these are breeding quality chins in the first place.
The two females have been living in the same cage with the male but only the one who was an accidental breedback had babies before so that is why I put them together in the same cage, I guess it was "luck"that they had their babies only days apart. I do appreciate all the replies and am very thankful for all the concern and advice. The two females are great together with all the babies and the babies are also doing great and running around like crazy.