Should I have all of my chins get a physical?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I'm sorry to post again. I have this major paranoia since Phillip died that my other chins are going to get sick. I wasn't sure if I should have everyone get a physical or not with my vet. I really don't want to see the inside of a vet's office anytime soon to be honest.

I have checked everyone at least 2-3 times since Phillip died Friday. Everyone's eyes are clear, no nasal discharge, And their lungs sound clear. Poos are normal and everyone is eating/ running around playing.

I don't want to stress them out with a visit to the vet unless I have too.
Just keep a close eye on them. I think a vet visit could actually cause problems at this point. The stress form it could make them susceptible to something that they wouldn't have had a problem with if just left at home.
I agree with the others. Just keep an eye on your other chinchillas. If something looks amiss, then I'd take them to the vet, but otherwise I wouldn't want to unnecessarily stress them out.