should I go fleece or bedding?

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I'm sure this question has been ask a million of times, but should i switch my chins to a fleece liner instead of aspen bedding? the problem im seeing with fleece is if they pee on it, it would soak it and start to smell. and how to you guys clean all the poo up from them? Thanks
I think this question is really just going to be personal opinion. I use pine bedding and won't use fleece liners. I've used them with an injured chin before and I didn't like how it smelled even after a day. But then some chins are good and just pee in one spot. It's also a hassle for me to wash them.

So it's really just up to you and what you think will work best with your chin.

As far as the poop, some sweep it up, other shake them out.
I agree, there's really no right or wrong answer here unless you try to use an unsafe litter bedding like cedar wood shavings.

I used to have my chinchilla in kiln dried pine shavings, but after a while I didn't like the mess (it would get tracked all over my apartment, spill on the floor all around the cage, etc), or the smell of pine or when I tried aspen. Plus I thought that it took a long time to clean, and I didn't like the cost of buying shavings all the time.

So I switched to fleece liners (a double layer of fleece sewn so that no edges or thread were accessible) and I've been really happy with them. I have a double stacked cage, and I change the liners about every other day, so I go through about 6 liners a week and I end up doing about one extra load of laundry a week. My chinchilla is mostly potty trained to go in her litter, but I know that she pees elsewhere sometimes because I see stains on her wooden house every once in a while.

I don't notice a smell at all with the liners, but I can imagine that if your chinchilla isn't litter trained at all that it might smell.

Lots of members here use various kinds of safe litter and have been very happy with them, so its really just what you like best.
I used liners for a while, and my chins were pretty good about not peeing all over the place. But washing them was a real pain for me, so I ended up switching back to bedding. I think I just don't do enough laundry for it to be worth it.
okay, but i heard some type say the dust from aspen shaving will cause respitory problems. is that true? or i shouldnt really worry about it?
I haven't heard about a problem with aspen shavings. I thought those were safe. The problem is with non-kiln dried pine shavings or cedar shavings, was what other members seem to be saying. If you're worried about respiratory problems, you could try a non-wood based litter like Carefresh, although it is more expensive and you have to be VERY careful that you're chinchilla is not eating it since it can cause impactions in their digestive track if eaten.

You could try some fleece liners and put the shavings that you're chinchilla is used to in a litter box (I just use a metal bread baking container) to see if you're chinchilla will be litter trained. Some chinchillas just kind of get the hang of it and some don't. I'd give the litter training a couple of weeks if you decide to try it. Jo-Anne fabrics is having a sale on fleece right now.
okay, well i talked to a few people in chat and they said i dont really need to worry about the dust from the bedding, so i just ordered some kiln dried pine offline. they say kiln dried is better then regular, so we'll see lol