Should I get my new chin a friend?

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New member
Jun 28, 2013
Columbia, MO
So I recently purchased a younger chin a few weeks ago after my chin of 11 years passed. The store told me she was between 6-8 weeks, but after weighing her and discussing with users on here, she's definitely older than that. Now since she's settled in, I'm regretting not getting a second chin because she has sooo much energy. My last chin was 3 before I got him a playmate, and they did great for a couple of years, then started getting in fights. So I had to separate them. I was thinking it may be better to get my new gal a friend while she's still young? Any thoughts?

I know it is not advised to purchase off craigslist, but I have been keeping an eye out. I found a lady who had a female kit born May 19th she's trying to re-home. I've contacted her, and we're planning to meet, but I thought I better post on here before I make it official to see what others think? The owner says she weighs 266gs right now which from what I have read is substantial enough to be re-homed? The lady also has a spare cage I can purchase for the introduction period.
It probably will work however, first, you will want to quarantee the newcomer for a month - cage in separate room to make sure she is healthy. Then, of course, do a slow introduction. Keep in mind that chins are funny creatures and later down the road they might not get along (probably won't happen) but be prepared just in case. So store the 2nd cage. As I said it probably won't be needed.