Should I buy a second chin/chin bonding?

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Active member
Feb 23, 2014
So I have had penny now since February and I am now feeling guilty we only have 1 chinchilla and I am considering buying a companion for him. Penny is male and I got him from Pets at home and he is meant to be 6 months old (he was also meant to be female according to P@H
But we won't get into that!). Is introducing chins whilst they are younger the best idea? I've spoken to some reputable breeders who have chins at 4-5 month old. I think penny is happy on her own when we are there but there have been 2 occasions now where I have been out late and felt so guilty he has been in on his own. We have 2 cages so we can do the proper introducing but I don't know if I'd be able to store both cages long term if they didn't get on. Any advice would be grand.
Chins don't need a companion, so long as you are not out all time your chin is fine, if they don't have a companion they get use to being alone. A young age is best for intros, but personality really plays a bigger role. However, especially if you don't think you have the room for 2 cages it's best not to do it, unless you have something like a double Ferret or Critter Nation cage that can easily be split. When you get a new chin you also are suppose to quarantine the new one for 30 days, in a different room, before any intros are even started and intros can take weeks-months, you can't rush it. Also even if they get along great at first, weeks, months, or even years down the road they could decide they don't want to be cage mates anymore meaning they need to be separated and will likely not be able to go back together. Basically you really need to be prepared to have as many cages as you have chins.
Chins don't need a companion, so long as you are not out all time your chin is fine, if they don't have a companion they get use to being alone. A young age is best for intros, but personality really plays a bigger role. However, especially if you don't think you have the room for 2 cages it's best not to do it, unless you have something like a double Ferret or Critter Nation cage that can easily be split. When you get a new chin you also are suppose to quarantine the new one for 30 days, in a different room, before any intros are even started and intros can take weeks-months, you can't rush it. Also even if they get along great at first, weeks, months, or even years down the road they could decide they don't want to be cage mates anymore meaning they need to be separated and will likely not be able to go back together. Basically you really need to be prepared to have as many cages as you have chins.

pretty much hit it all there'