I am hoping to go. I am already going to see the Circue du Soleil show in Arlington that evening, so I will probably just drive up early in the day. I am also non-partisan, but would probably be closest to a libertarian.
Not to hijack your thread but...
6Dusters, if you aren't doing anything on 9/11 we are participatnig in a walk-a-thon in remembrance of the 9/11 victims. It's called "The Day the Eagle Cried". A group of soldiers and civilians walk from midnight on Thursday night until midnight on Friday night, a full 24 hours. www.daytheeaglecried.com
That's the website with the event info. I did it last year and it was exhausting but very fulfilling. Anyone in the area, please consider attending this, it's really important to remember what happened and to honor the people we lost.