Separate chins?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2011
My male chins have been together for 3 or 4 months. They groom each other and sleep together. But during playtime, they always try to hump each other. First I let it happen because I assumed they were trying to figure out who was more dominant. But it kept happening and they still haven't figured it out.

Now I pull the mounting chin off of the other and say "No" firmly. I trimmed the whiskers of one and that didn't help. Should I separate them?
If all they are doing is humping each other and not fighting just leave them be. It happens a lot. It even happens with females same sex pairs
Yeah, sounds normal. Are they somewhat young? They may be going through the teenage years. Do you have some cuddle buddies for them to hump?
They will do that, especially the young ones. Like mentioned before, if humping is the only thing they are doing and no one is showing signs of stress, just leave them be. They are still figuring out, or reminding each other, who is the dominant one.
They are on the younger side, so it might be the teenage years. No one is showing signs of stress. I will look into getting a cuddle buddy. Thank you for the reassurance!